Instructor Materials: Overview of the High Precision Positioning module
Students will be able to: Summative Assessment The overarching Summative Assessment for the module is a series of critical thinking questions that ask students to synthesize learning across the different units. Instructors may elect to use some of these questions for final exams or other final assessments. In addition, each unit includes important summative assessment questions for topics and concepts specific to that unit. These are also critical because there is a high probability that most teachers will only teach a subset of the units. The assessment questions are broad because each instructor will use a different field setting. Remote field teaching ideas and prepared data sets are available for those courses who are unable to collect their own field data. Pre-existing data sets are available to help locate interesting change detection options. Learn more about assessing student learning in this module.
This module is composed of three core components. The first is an introduction to satellite positioning fundamentals and provides students with the terminology and basic physics to understand how the system works (Unit 1: GPS/GNSS Fundamentals). The second focuses on how kinematic systems work as well as how to create a topographic data set and detect change in monumented positions (Unit 2: Kinematic GPS/GNSS Methods). Unit 2 contains subunits that introduce students to specific applications for using kinematic GPS/GNSS: topographic surveys and change detection. Unit 3 is an exploration of static systems, which provide the highest precision necessary for detecting extremely small changes (Unit 3: Static GPS/GNSS Methods).
The module introduces material in an order of increasing complexity and precision, but the units (after Unit 1) can often be taught as stand-alone lessons. For instructors who do not wish to use the module in its entirety, suggested pairings are included in the "Context for Use" section on each unit's page. Instructors can request support for some types of equipment and technical support from UNAVCO, which runs the NSF's Geodetic Facility.
Note: Although the term GPS (Global Positioning System) is more commonly used in everyday language, it officially refers only to the USA's constellation of satellites. GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) is a universal term that refers to all satellite navigation systems including those from the USA (GPS), Russia (GLONASS), European Union (Galileo), China (BeiDou), and others. In this module, we use the term GNSS to refer generically to the use of one or more satellite constellations to determine position.
Unit 1GPS/GNSS Fundamentals
This unit introduces students to how global navigation satellite systems work, a comparison of their accuracy and a first field opportunity to set up an antenna and receiver.
The constellations of satellites orbiting our planet enable high-precision positioning not just for consumer or survey applications but also for geoscience research such as detecting plate motions, landslide movement, or other changes on the Earth's surface. This unit introduces students to the fundamentals of these global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), the reference frames used for positioning and the different acquisition techniques, including their merits and accuracy. Through classroom and field activities, students develop a familiarity with the variety of instrumentation and applications available with GNSS. This unit provides a broad conceptual understanding of GNSS applicable to all acquisition techniques. Subsequent units focus on kinematic and static methods and the different products generated using those GNSS methods.
Unit 2Kinematic GPS/GNSS Methods
This unit focuses on teaching the techniques necessary to run a kinematic survey. It is explicitly hands-on, giving students the opportunity to set up, operate, and post-process their data. Though they are less precise, kinematic surveys require more equipment and design considerations than static systems. Kinematic systems have the advantage of rapidly acquiring numerous positions with an accuracy of several cm. They are effective for a variety of applications including measuring rapidly deforming landforms, surveying topography, or other applications that are time sensitive and do not require precision greater than 2–3 cm.
The application of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in the earth sciences has become commonplace. GNSS data can be collected rapidly and compared in common reference frames. Real-time kinematic (RTK) GNSS methods enable the rapid delivery of high-precision, high-accuracy positioning information to field scientists. This unit focuses on the design and execution of kinematic surveys, emphasizing the benefits and limitations of the technique. Students will learn which questions the technique is most applicable for as well as the standard data-processing techniques. Students advance their understanding of GNSS through a technical knowledge of kinematic GNSS surveys. This unit prepares students to design and implement a survey of their own through hands-on instruction and demonstration of real-time kinematic (RTK) or post-processed kinematic (PPK) techniques in a field setting.
Unit 2.1Measuring Topography with Kinematic GPS/GNSSThis unit focuses on an application of kinematic techniques to rapidly and efficiently collect topographic points and process them to create a continuous surface.
Kinematic GNSS surveys can provide a rapid means of collecting widely distributed, high-precision topographic data. The advantages of this technique over optical instruments such as a total station are that it only requires one person to operate and it does not rely on maintaining a direct line of site. Once points are collected, students will learn to interpolate them using ArcMap to create a continuous model of elevations. Students must think carefully about where they collect their points and evaluate the merits of different interpolation techniques including TIN and Kriging. Through a field-based application of kinematic GNSS, students will design and conduct a topographic survey and interpolate collected points to create a continuous elevation field. This builds upon skills learned in Unit 2 and prepares students for future techniques such as surface differencing and topographic change detection (Unit 2.2).
Unit 2.2Change Detection with Kinematic GPS/GNSSThis unit focuses on the application of kinematic techniques to detect change in monumented objects such as benchmarks or boulders moving down a hillslope.
Though it may be difficult to perceive, landscapes are constantly changing form and position. High-precision GNSS is one of a handful of techniques capable of quantifying these changes and is a key component of many modern geologic, biologic, and engineering studies. In this unit, students will learn how to approach a study in change detection in the context of a geomorphic or structural problem, then design and implement a GNSS survey that effectively explores the problem. Through field-based application of kinematic GNSS techniques, students will design, execute, and analyze data from a survey to detect change. Students design the survey based on a question of scientific or societal interest and are asked to defend their design and implementation. This is the final unit focused on kinematic GNSS and is aimed at solidifying students' knowledge and technical skill in this technique.
Unit 3Static GPS/GNSS Methods
This unit focuses on teaching the tools and techniques necessary to run a static survey. It is explicitly hands-on, giving students the opportunity to set up, operate, and post-process their data. Static surveys take more time to collect points than a kinematic system, but they can be significantly more precise, able to resolve movements of several millimeters, including hill slope creep, slow-moving landforms, and tectonic motion. Static systems vary depending on application, but are often used for time-series analysis of slow-moving monuments.
The application of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in the earth sciences has become commonplace. GNSS data can produce high-accuracy, high-resolution measurements in common reference frames. Static GNSS methods take advantage of long occupation times to resolve fine measurement and time-series data to capture events such as tectonic deformation, earthquakes, groundwater depletion, and slow-moving landforms. This unit focuses on design and field execution of simple static surveys, emphasizing the benefits and limitations of the technique. Students will learn which applications the technique is most applicable for as well as the standard data-processing techniques. Additionally, students advance their understanding of GNSS systems through interpretation of field data from static surveys and public data sets of continuous-operation stations. This unit prepares students to design and implement a survey of their own through hands-on instruction and demonstration of rapid-static or static techniques in a field setting.
Summative Assessment
There is no single summative assessment for this module. This is because kinematic and static GNSS require different equipment and different interpretative tools. Instead, we offer a suite of questions that may added into the summative exercise of different units. Alternatively, these questions may be asked as part of a final exam.
Making the Module Work
To adapt all or part of the module for your classroom you will also want to read through
- Instructor Stories, which detail how the module was adapted for use at different institutions, as well as our guide to
- Using GETSI Modules for Your Course, which outlines how to effectively use GETSI modules.
The module authors provided additional information about teaching this module. If interested, click on the blue text below to display these notes.