These teaching activities have been submitted by faculty members at two-year colleges across the country. If you would like to add an activity to the collection, check out the Activity Submission Form. To see a larger collection of geoscience activities from all types of institutions, check out the Teach the Earth Activity Collection.
Results 1 - 20 of 74 matches
Introduction to Evolution (Historical Geology) part of Teach the Earth:Teaching Activities
Amber Kumpf, Muskegon Community College
This is a guided question note sheet with interactive elements linked within for an online course in Earth History or Historical Geology. NOVA evolution lab is one component, along with other introductory videos ...
Intro to Graphing part of Undergraduate Research:2014 Workshop:Activities
Debra Woodall, Daytona College
Intro to Graphing is a 2-phase exercise that introduces students to Excel for the purposes of properly storing their data and producing graphs.
How to be a field geologist: an in-class exercise to introduce students to basic outcrop analysis part of Geoscience in the Field:Activities
Becca Walker, Mt. San Antonio College
This in-class exercise is designed to give students practice analyzing outcrops before they go on a field trip. First, students watch a short video tutorial on analyzing an outcrop. Then, they are given a color ...
Science in My Backyard part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Activities
Allison Beauregard, Northwest Florida State College
In this lab report writing assignment, students will use the scientific method to solve a real life problem from their own lives. Students use the scientific method to record observations, develop a hypothesis, and set up their experimental design, which they then actually carry out. This approach allows students to practice using the process of science without the intimidation of scientific terms and concepts.
Introduction to Mineral Identification part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Activities
Suki Smaglik, Laramie County Community College
The exercise uses an inquiry-based approached to overcome the fear of tackling mineral identification. Few instructions are given and students discover for themselves how to approach identification.
Observational Skills in a Simple Crystal Growing Experiment part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Activities
Richard Gottfried, Frederick Community College
Students grow crystals and identify the crystal system by observing their basic geometric form. Students all research crytallization processes.
Crater Counting Lab exercise part of Rates and Time:Teaching Activities
Kevin Mullins, Coconino County Community College
This lab is designed to teach students how we can estimate the age of other planetary surfaces by counting and size-binning impact craters. It also illustrates some examples of how erosional or deopositional ...
Geoscience education research project part of Undergraduate Research:2014 Workshop:Activities
Karen Kortz, Community College of Rhode Island
Students complete a scientific research project including asking a question, developing methods, collecting data, analyzing and interpreting data, and communicating results. The research question begins "What ...
Writing a hypothesis and designing an experiment for a high altitude balloon flight part of Undergraduate Research:2014 Workshop:Activities
David Kobilka, Central Lakes College-Brainerd
This is a small part of a much larger project in which students complete an high altitude balloon flight (HAB). In this part they complete a series of steps that encourage collaboration, communication, cooperation, ...
Introduction to Science - Penny Histograms part of Undergraduate Research:2014 Workshop:Activities
Kathryn, Green River Community College; Kathrynq Hoppe, Green River Community College
Overview: This exercise serves as an introduction to histograms. Students are given a short introduction to histograms in lecture and reading. They are then broken up into different groups of 3-5 students. Students ...
VEPP: Determining the relationship between the summit and Pu'u 'O'o on Kilauea part of NAGT:Our Resources:Teaching Resources:Volcano Exploration Project: Pu`u `O`o:Examples
Karen Kortz, Community College of Rhode Island
This is an exercise that is in development and will not be fully tested until Fall 2010. Please check back regularly for updates and changes. Brief three-line description of the activity or assignment and its ...
Mineral Properties -- Learning through Experience part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Activities
Katryn Wiese, City College of San Francisco
Students are each given a mineral and asked to locate all other students in the room with the same mineral (knowing there are a total of 5 different minerals). Once groups form, they need to decide what characteristics are similar for all their samples and ultimately report out to the whole class on their observations.
The Carbon Cycle & Global Climate Change part of Oceanography:Activities
Kathrynq Hoppe, Green River Community College
This is two-hour lab exercise based on computer data sets. Students examine records of CO2 levels in the atmosphere as well as annual temperature records for the US and the world.
Global Atmospheric Circulation and the Indian Monsoon part of Oceanography:Activities
David Kobilka, Central Lakes College-Brainerd
In this project students learn through lecture, video, and sketching about the Coriolis effect, the "Six-Cell Generalized Global Atmospheric Circulation Model", the shifting ITCZ, the Indian Monsoon, and ...
Earth's history in 4.56 meters: constructing a timeline with calculator tape part of Quantitative Skills:Activity Collection
Eric Baer, Highline Community College
An activity where students make a geologic timeline from calculator tape.
Poster Presentation part of Paleontology:Activities
Kathrynq Hoppe, Green River Community College
Students are required to do independent research on a topic of their choosing. They are then required to construct a poster that explains the main points of their topic using a combination of words and graphics. ...
Modeling the interior of the Earth using Seismic Waves part of Quantitative Skills:Activity Collection
Eric Baer, Highline Community College
Students use a variety of tools to explore the interior of the Earth in this inquiry activity.
Service-Learning to explore Sustainability part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Systems, Society, Sustainability and the Geosciences:Activities
Tracy Lai, Seattle Community College-Central Campus
Service-Learning is a means of exploring sustainability and connecting experiential learning with academic study of the topic.
Evaluating the lines of evidence for plate tectonics part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Teaching the Methods of Geoscience:Activities
Becca Walker, Mt. San Antonio College
In this in-class exercise, students compare several lines of evidence that support the ideas of continental drift and plate tectonics. Before the class meeting, each student is given a preparation assignment in which he/she studies one "continental drift" and one "ocean floor data" map. In class, students divide into teams of 3, with each team member having prepared different specialties. They discuss their respective maps and look for spatial patterns among the data.
Flood Curves Lecture Tutorial part of Teaching Methods:Lecture Tutorials:Examples
Jessica Smay, San Jose City College; Karen Kortz, Community College of Rhode Island
This Lecture Tutorial worksheet guides students through thinking about the effects humans have on infiltration, and how that effects the duration and severity of floods. It is designed to be used in groups after a brief lecture introducing surface and ground water flow into a stream.