Funding Opportunities for Two-year College Faculty: Possibilities, Challenges, and Successes
Saturday, October 8, 2011 - 1:00-5:00 pm
University of St Thomas, MOH 417 - Opus Hall in the School of Education, corner of 10th and LaSalle AveSchedule
1:00-1:15 pm Welcome, Introductions, and Workshop Goals - Eric Baer and Heather Macdonald1:15-1:30 pm Funding Possibilities at the National Science Foundation - Jill Karsten, Peter Lea
1:30-3:00 pm Characteristics of Successful Proposals, Review of Funded Proposals, and Project Ideas - Jill Karsten, Peter Lea, and Lina Patino (National Science Foundation)
3:00-3:15 pm Break
3:15-3:45 pm Words of Wisdom from 2YC PIs - Submitting Proposals and Managing Projects - Eric Baer and Kaatje Kraft
3:45-4:30 pm Small-group Discussions
- Integrating Research into 2YC Programs -Lina Patino
- TUES (Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM) - Peter Lea
- GeoEd and Broader issues - Jill Karsten
4:45-5:00 pm Concluding Remarks and Workshop Evaluation
Workshop Conveners:
Eric Baer (Highline Community College) and Heather Macdonald (College of William and Mary)