Assessment Form (Microsoft Word 29kB Jun23 09)Monday
9:30-10:00 Welcome/Reminder of our goals
10:00-12:00 Three 20 minute presentations with 20 minute discussion of each
Jodi Schwartz and Marc Smith: Modeling Molecular Evolution (PowerPoint 318kB Feb23 10) (Activity)
Chris Wallace and Ginger Withers: Integrative activities to study the evolution of nervous system function, Neurogliomics: A novel analysis of the Evolution of the Neuron/Glia Partnership
Kate Susman: Expression of gerontogenes in neurons: A comparative genomic approach to studying the role of the nervous system in lifespan/aging
- Description of learning goals
- Brief synopsis of activity including why you designed this I3U the way you did (5 minutes) -focus on pedagogy as opposed to science
- What worked well? (this could be based on the list under 'How Effective was this Activity in your Classroom' on the reflection form (Microsoft Word 66kB Jun11 09))
- How did your I3U affect student learning?
- Did students achieve your goals and how do you know?
- describe assessment tools
- data analysis
- Unanticipated consequences (good and bad)
1:00-3:15 Four 20 minute presentations with 20-minute discussion of each
Cara Constance: Molecular Evolution of Gene Families
Carol Ann Paul and Ginny Quinan: Behavior; Neuroanatomy; Genomics: What can we learn from mouse mutants?
Erica Crespi: Phylogenetic analysis of the bony fishes: Morphological and mtDNA sequence comparisons
Susan Singer: Exploring Whole Transcriptomes with Genetics Students (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 22.8MB Feb23 10) (Activity: Exploring the Chamaecrista fasciculata Gene Space)
David Esteban and Tebbie Collins: Using Metagenomics to Investigate Microbial Diversity- cancelled
3:15-3:30 Break
3:30-4:15 Group Discussion
- First draft of major points for report
- Overall effectiveness of the various teaching/assessment strategies - possibilities for common data analysis
4:15-5:15 Round robin review of I3U -- Discuss strengths, weaknesses and suggestions for website presentation of each I3U
5:30 Dinner
7:00 Music (Cafe Budapest) and fun
Working time to revise I3U
8:30-10:00 I3U Work time
10:00-11:00 Whole group discussion
- Finalize major points for report
- Publication plan
- Create working groups for working time
11:00-1:30 Working time (over lunch)
- Finish I3U revisions
- Integrated assessment work -- what conclusions can we draw across projects;
- Working teams generate sections of report;
1:30-3:00 Group discussion
- Complete project evaluation
- Final discussion including overall effectiveness of our project/workshop approach
- Next steps