Initial Publication Date: July 14, 2008
Workshop Participants
Duane Bailey - Williams College Comparison of a Highly Polymorphic Olfactory Receptor Gene Subfamily in Genetically Diverse Dog Breeds
David Baumler - University of Wisconsin
Lois Banta - Williams College Comparison of a Highly Polymorphic Olfactory Receptor Gene Subfamily in Genetically Diverse Dog Breeds, Using metagenomics to investigate microbial diversity
Norm Bell - Williams College Williams College Comparison of a Highly Polymorphic Olfactory Receptor Gene Subfamily in Genetically Diverse Dog Breeds
Eliot Bush - Harvey Mudd College Constructing and using a PAM style scoring matrix
Lynn Caporale
Ranyee Chiang - University of California-San Francisco
Elizabeth T Collins - Vassar College
Cara Constance - Hiram College Molecular Evolution of Gene Families
Erica Crespi - Vassar College Phylogenetic analysis of the bony fishes: Morphological and mtDNA sequence comparisons
Derek Dean - Williams College Local population structure and behavior of the wood frog Rana sylvatica
David Esteban - Vassar College Using metagenomics to investigate microbial diversity
Sean Fox - Carleton College
Michelle Gisi - Whitman College
Mark LeBlanc - Wheaton College
Paul Lu - University of Alberta
Cathryn Manduca - Carleton College
Ross Nehm - Ohio State University
Carol Ann Paul - Wellesley College Behavior, Neuroanatomy, Genomics: what we can learn from mouse mutants?
Ginny Quinan - Wellesley College Behavior, Neuroanatomy, Genomics: what we can learn from mouse mutants?
Jodi Schwarz - Vassar College Modeling molecular evolution
Susan Singer - Carleton College Reconstructing the Evolution of Cauliflower and Broccoli, Human Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Determination
Marc Smith - Vassar College Modeling molecular evolution
Kathleen Raley-Susman - Vassar College Expression of gerontogenes in neurons: A comparative genomic approach to studying the role of the nervous system in lifespan/aging
Chris Wallace - Whitman College Integrative activities to study the evolution of nervous system function
Ginger Withers - Whitman College Integrative activities to study the evolution of nervous system function
Gane Ka Shu Wong - University of Alberta