Onboarding for E-CURE Instructors

Welcome to E-CURE!

Planning to use your E-CURE data for research?

Read our Security and IRB (Institutional Review Board) information and contact your institution's IRB prior to collecting data for research.

This page is the starting point for instructors implementing E-CURE in their course(s). Plan to take some time ahead of program implementation to acquaint yourself with program features and get your dashboard set up for use by completing the onboarding steps below.

Onboarding Steps

  1. Create a password-protected account using the same email address you registered with.
  2. Ensure email delivery (to avoid having automated program messages marked as spam).
  3. Set up the dashboard (add your students).
  4. Introduce E-CURE to your students.
  5. Download and Read E-CURE: Guide to Data and Instructor Score Reports (Acrobat (PDF) 2.5MB Aug16 22)

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