Initial Publication Date: March 27, 2023

Request to use EvaluateUR-CURE

EvaluateUR-CURE (E-CURE) is now available at no cost to CURE instructors teaching at US institutions. To request a course dashboard be set up for your CURE, please fill out the request form below.

We leave it to you – the CURE instructor – to determine if you have the time and your course has the structure to successful implement E-CURE. Based on feedback from users, the following best practices have been identified:

  1. The course should include an authentic research project that represents a substantial component of the course. The research project should be long enough to ensure that your assessments can measure growth on the student outcomes you have selected.
  2.  The method requires the CURE to have a single individual completing the assessments and ensuring that there are appropriate follow-up conversations. If there are multiple advisors and/or TAs for sections of the course, the CURE faculty member and the TA(s) (ideally) should meet to fill out the assessments collaboratively (or, at the very least, the CURE instructor should solicit feedback from the other advisors/TA).
  3.  To ensure timely completion of the E-CURE steps, the instructor should devote class/lab time to these tasks.  Reserving 15-20 minutes during class/lab time will save you from spending more time reminding students to complete assessments.

Useful online resources and onboarding steps:

If you are new to E-CURE or want to review how to set up your dashboard and access other useful resources, please visit the E-CURE homepage. It is recommended that new users spend an hour going through the onboarding steps.

If you have questions about E-CURE after reviewing the online resources, please email Jill Singer.

Request Form

* required

* required

Thank you for your interest in E-CURE!