Interview consent

Description of project
Project EDDIE Earth and Ecosystems (National Science Foundation, IUSE - 1821567) aims to build community and develop flexible curricular material that improve quantitative reasoning. The materials will focus on topics related to the environmental and Earth sciences, allowing the greatest potential for adoption across a wide range of STEM courses, from physical to life sciences. Read more about the project (opens in new page)

Research, evaluation, and assessment activities will help the project understand and align with community needs, inform the workshop structure, investigate student learning gains, and examine the efficacy of the project design. Incorporating the research and evaluation team as part of the project leadership enables the project to be nimble and responsive to findings throughout the project, resulting in strong and relevant materials. The evaluation will also examine to what extent the program events and related communications and resources are extending the goals of the project (opens in new page).

As part of the evaluation, interviews will be conducted to explore the community needs and assets, paving the way to a shared vision for change (Wenger et al., 2011). To If you agree to take part in this interview study, we will record the interview (to facilitate note taking) and analyze your responses to better understand community needs and assets. These data will be incorporated into our evaluation and research results in aggregate. Presentation of the material will be confined to project leadership, professional publications, and conferences. When individual quotes are used to illustrate important points, your name will not be identified. There are no foreseeable risks resulting from your participation. Your participation in this workshop is voluntary and you may leave at any time.

If you have questions about this evaluation, please contact Dr. Ellen Iverson, eiverson at

The chair of the Institutional Review Board, Kathleen Galotti, can be reached at Carleton College, Northfield, MN 55057. Phone: (507) 222-4376, email: kgalotti at
Please indicate your level of approval to participate in the evaluation. Please keep in mind that interviews are recorded for note taking purposes.

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