Welcome to EarthScope Chronicles!
Sharing Scientists' Stories and Experiencing their Investigations
This outreach and education effort features interviews with scientists and footage of them conducting EarthScope research.
EarthScope Chronicles highlights the work and personal stories of EarthScope scientists and invites you to engage in data-based investigations connected to their research.
Visit EarthScope at: www.earthscope.org
The IDOR (Idaho/Oregon) EarthScope Project
(Deformation and Magmatic Modification of a Steep Continental Margin, Western Idaho-eastern Oregon, NSF 0844260)
IDOR is combining data from multiple sources, including research on gravity, seismology, structural geology, and geochronology to study a boundary that occurred on the edge of North America between Idaho and Oregon.
The SPREE (Superior Province EarthScope Experiments) EarthScope Project
Emily Wolin and Suzan van der Lee, Spree Project
SPREE researchers installed 83 seismometers in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Ontario (Canada) to study the deep structure beneath the dense rocks that cause the gravity anomaly in that area. By studying this structure and the mid-continent rift system they hope to learn more about the process of continental formation and evolution and understand both current rift systems and the future of plate tectonics.
Danielle Sumy and Harmony Colella
Harmony Colella (Miami University, OH) and Danielle Sumy (USC) are geophysicists with interests in earthquake processes in subduction zones and the geophysics of mid-ocean ridges.
The EarthScope Chronicles team caught up with the researchers on the day of the Great California ShakeOut Earthquake Drill in October 2013 at the San Bernadino County Museum in Redlands, California.
featured media with Danielle & Harmony ...

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Numbers EAR-1252014 and EAR-1252031. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.