Description of the Evaluation of Rendezvous Participation and Implications of Consent

Initial Publication Date: May 24, 2023

As a participant in the Earth Educators' Rendezvous, you are being asked to take part in an evaluation. Rendezvous is managed by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers.

The Rendezvous evaluation will assess the effectiveness of the event program, related communications, web resources and other materials in fostering an inclusive community-approach.

If you consent for your evaluation to be included in our study, we will analyze the information you submit in the registration forms, as well as the materials you submit as part of the Rendezvous and any follow-on activities (e.g. evaluation forms, follow-up surveys). You may also be asked to participate in an interview (face-to-face or telephone). We may also conduct the interviews via telephone two to six months after the Rendezvous. If you do not wish to be audio recorded, do not participate in this part of the study.

These data will be incorporated into our findings in aggregate. Presentation of the material will be confined to project work groups, professional publications, and conferences. When individual quotes are used to illustrate important points, your name will not be identified. There are no foreseeable risks resulting from your participation. Your participation in this event is voluntary and you may leave at any time.