EarthConnections Alliance: Strengthening and Diversifying the Geoscience Workforce and the Geoscientific Capacity of the Communities
Ritchie Hall: 368
Oral Session Part of
Monday B: Earth Connections

The EarthConnections Alliance seeks to create a world in which all students in our country can make use of pathways that weave together geoscience learning with opportunities to use that knowledge to serve their local community. Our work is grounded in the belief that students' use of newly obtained geoscience knowledge to address problems of immediate local importance strengthens interest in and persistence toward geoscience careers. At the same time, it can strengthen the ability of participating communities to use and benefit from the geoscience by increasing their community science literacy. Creating geoscience pathways requires a wide variety of actors to come together: formal and informal educators serving students at all levels of their education, community leaders and members seeking to address topics of local importance, geoscientists whose research expertise is central to the solution, and more. EarthConnections uses a collective impact model to support regional leaders in recognizing existing pathway elements, imagining how to strengthen, connect and enhance these elements into a recognizable pathway, and in moving forward implementation in collaboration with national program partners. We support our regional partners with consultants drawn from the project leadership, a cohort based design and development process, opportunities for collaboration with national program partners, and evaluation tools and expertise. Our work has initiated a community of practice that supports this work and which we invite you to join.