Features of different Volcanos
During the demonstration, I will explain and show all the components used in this lesson, and how they work together. These will include the pre-class assignment, the learning objectives, slides used, worksheet materials, and summative assessment questions.
This is a lesson I use when teaching about the different volcano types. Previously students would have learned about controls on magma viscosity and how viscosity influences volcanic eruptions. They would have also done a pre-class reading assignment related to volcano types. This lesson would begin with a short review of the pre-class assignment and introduce a few new concepts related to volcano types and sizes. From there, students work on a Venn diagram activity where they compare and contrast shield and composite volcanos. Information is then presented on Flood basalts and calderas. Following this, students work together to complete a table outlining various properties of six different volcano types, including their size, magma silica content, viscosity, and gas content. Finally students use their completed table to construct a concept map relating various properties of the different volcanos. At the end of their worksheet activities, student are also asked to reflect on their confidence in completing each of the lesson's learning objectives.
This lesson is used when Teaching a 100 level introductory physical geology course. The size of the class is around 100-120 students, mostly freshman and sophomore non-majors.
Why It Works
I find this lesson to be effective because it allows the students to use multiple means to think about and communicate the features of volcanoes. They begin with a simpler Venn diagram comparing just two types of volcanoes and work up to a concept map that includes six types of volcanoes.