Initial Publication Date: January 8, 2009

Team-Based Learning: Getting beyond the basics.

January 30-31, 2009

Learn to harness the power of teams! A key to successful teaching with Team-Based Learning (TBL) is the proper design of team assignments. This workshop, building on our previous TBL workshop on the Spring of 2007, will focus on the essential elements of successful assignment design.

TBL creator Larry Michaelsen will lead participants to learn about the key characteristics of effective team assignments. Working in teams, participants will focus on re-designing their own assignments to make them more effective. There will also be time to discuss effective strategies for writing Readiness Assessment Tests.

2009 Carleton College Workshop on Team-Based Learning with Larry Michaelsen. Jan 30-31. Co-Sponsored by: Carleton Interdisciplinary Science and Math Initiative (CISMI), Perlman Center for Learning and Teaching (more info) , St. Olaf College Center for Innovation in the Liberal Arts CILA, Carleton Mellon Life Cycles Grant , Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), and Carleton's Science Education Resource Center (SERC)

Program,Participants,Submit an activity


TBL sites of interest

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MichaelsenLarry Michaelsen, Central Missouri State University

Friday January 30, 5:30 - 9 pm
Great Hall, Carleton College

Getting Beyond the Basics of TBL
  • 5:30 - 7:00 pm Working session
  • 7:00 - 9:00 pm Reception & Dinner (Dinner at 7:30)

Saturday January 31, 8:30 am - 1 pm
Regents Hall of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, St. Olaf College

Designing Effective Group Assignments
  • 8:30 am Continental Breakfast
  • 9:00 am - noon Working session
  • noon - 1pm Lunch

If you want to know more about TBL, contact Fernán Jaramillo or Trish Ferrett.

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