Project Personnel
Project Organizers

Dyanna Czeck
I am a Professor of Geosciences at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) where I teach a variety of courses ranging from Introductory Geology to advanced classes in structural geology and tectonics. For my research, I study ductile shear zone processes with my students and colleagues. I am interested in making geoscience more inclusive to a wide audience and providing students with opportunities to develop career-building skills.

Jabari Jones
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth and Oceanographic Science at Bowdoin College, where I teach courses about earth surface processes, geology, and environmental justice. In addition to my geoscience interests, I am interested in the culture of the geosciences as a scientific discipline, ranging from the topics that we teach, the places that we conduct research, and the people that have access to the discipline and its tools. As a Black geoscientist, it is rare for me to share professional spaces with people who look like me and share my background, which grounds my advocacy to ensure that all people have the ability to ask and answer questions about the Earth.
John McDaris
As an Educational Associate at SERC, my work centers around the dual foci of developing website content related to issues in geoscience and geoscience education, as well as initiating, designing, and supporting faculty professional development opportunities. I have spent several years developing expertise related to attracting and supporting students from underrepresented minorities in geoscience majors, issues facing two-year college faculty and their students, and challenges and opportunities associated with programmatic and institutional change efforts.
Cailin Huyck Orr
As the Associate Director at the Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College, I am involved development and management of research, outreach and professional development projects to improve undergraduate STEM education and support for faculty members who teach in STEM and allied fields. I am particularly interested in interdisciplinary teaching and learning, faculty networks, programmatic change and working towards a diverse and sustainable future.
SERC Support
Mitchell Bender-Awalt
As Project Coordinator at SERC, I am involved in managing ongoing projects and collaborations, developing and maintaining web content, and implementing faculty professional development. My work focuses on geoscience education, transcidiplinary STEM education, and DEI in the geosciences. A major part of my effort is spent managing operations for the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT).

Pamela Eddy
Professor of Higher Education, School of Education, College of William and Mary
I am the inaugural Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs & Development and a professor of higher education in the Educational Policy, Planning, and Leadership Department in the School of Education at William & Mary. My work in the Provost's office supports faculty in their teaching and research roles, and the two areas reporting to me are the university's Studio for Teaching & Learning Innovation and the area of Online Learning & Professional Development. My research centers on community college leadership, faculty development, teaching and learning, and organizational change.