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Project Personnel
Project Organizers × Dyanna Czeck I am a Professor of Geosciences at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) where I teach a variety of courses ranging from Introductory Geology to advanced classes in ...

Cultural Change in Geoscience (C-ChanGe)
Cailin Huyck Orr, Carleton College; Jabari Jones, Bowdoin College; Dyanna Czeck, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; John McDaris, Carleton College
The Cultural Change in Geoscience (C-ChanGe) project works toward a vision of the future where all people at each stage of their career experience academic geoscience as a safe and welcoming environment where they feel empowered to learn and contribute without stifling their identities, and the community recognizes contributions from everyone. SERC leads the professional development of 2 cohorts of faculty change agents empowered to work in their own context to make successive, incremental changes, leading to positive cultural shifts within their home departments with the support of a community of practice made up of local and national peers. The project also raises the visibility of the many other groups working towards an inclusive geoscience discipline through a web-based network to support awareness, recognition, and connectivity of national partner projects working on geoscience cultural change.

About C-ChanGe
Project Personnel ยป Geoscience is a critical discipline for today's world, integrating other physical and life sciences into a wholistic perspective with relevance to climate change, natural resource ...

Stay Connected
Stay abreast of activities in the C-ChanGe project and network by signing up for the C-ChanGe email list here. Name Email: Primary Affiliation: I would like to receive emails related to the C-ChanGe project and ...

Search C-ChanGe
Skip to search results Skip to text search formSkip to pagination Results 1 - 6 of 6 matches Project Personnel Project Organizers × Dyanna Czeck I am a Professor of Geosciences at the University of ...

Found a glitch? Have a particular idea about something that can be improved? Found information that needs to be updated and you know the new facts?Name Email URL of webpage (if applicable) Let us know what we can ...