Workshop Program

(Updated 12/2/24)

Unless otherwise noted, on-site participants will meet in the Ballston Room of the Virginia Tech Executive Briefing Center in Arlington, VA.
Participants can find the Zoom connection information in the private workspace Private Workspace »

Times are listed in Eastern Daylight Time.

Participant Playlist »

(You can find it by searching Spotify for Cheryl Brown Manning and choose my playlists.)

Friday, December 13

2:00 pm Pre-workshop meeting with the Early Career sub-group.

4:30 pm Break

5:00 pm Evening Session - starting with our music!

What are we doing and where are we now? - Cailin Huyck Orr

A word about privacy, expectations and attribution - Cailin 
How we are going to work in this hybrid format - John McDaris

Ice breaker in a virtual format - Cailin

5:30 pm Why are we talking about Belonging specifically? What are we trying to accomplish? - Jen Wenner

5:45 pm Early Career Showcase the Belonging Responses - Cheryl Manning

6:00 pm Small-group discussions: focusing on what belonging will look like - Cailin

  • What does it mean to belong in the (academic) geosciences? How is it different from "fitting in"? What is your experience with those two terms? What does it feel like to belong / how do you know when you "belong"?
  • What does your vision of a future where everyone belongs look like? What are actions that need to be taken to get there (maybe a little at a time)? What would you need to be supported in working toward a culture of belonging?

(notes pages are in a password protected work space) 

Please take notes - the notes in the workspace is the written record to take forward with us. You can talk and take notes, or add written notes without speaking them. 

Group number, breakout room number, notes page number all match:

  • Group 1: with Cheryl (Ballston Room)
  • Group 2: with Jen (Farrgut Room)
  • Group 3: with John (Hospitality Room)
  • Group 4: with Cailin (Ballston Atrium)

6:30 pm Report out - Jen

6:40 Road Check to set the agenda for tomorrow then gather our things. John

7:00 pm Leave the Virginia Tech Briefing Center

Saturday, December 14

9:00 am Welcome and plan for the day (playlist)
Response to the roadcheck - Cailin 
SERC code of Professional Conduct

  • Community Building Exercise  -Jen 
  • Today's objectives - Jen 
  • Topics from the roadcheck we are going to move forward today 

9:30 am Small group work (topics based on the roadcheck)

  • Keep notes in the workspace, remembering that these will be our enduring record, reporting of notes will happen at the aggregate group level
  • Call back to what we just heard about. 1) goals for the day and 2) privacy - we will report things as attributed to the whole group unless 1) you want to be personally attributed or 2) you want your name kept out of it altogether (let us know) 
  • First round we choose who goes where - balancing early career and hybrid participants across four rooms. The second round later, they will be required to switch topics and people, but can choose the second registration. 
  • Accountability: Claire, Billy, Ellen, Anika, Darryl, Candice, Cheryl (Ballston Room/Breakout 1)
  • Vision for the Future: Dyanna, Minte, Cam, Stefany, Rachel, Wilnelly, Jen (Farragut Room/Breakout 2)
  • Context-Specific Strategies: Kristina, AK, Pranoti, Annie, Laura, Lisa, John (Elevator Atrium Room/Breakout 3)
  • Change Agents in Difficult Contexts: Kaatje, Steve, Marissa, Meghan, Bradlee, Cailin (Ballston Atrium/Breakout 4)

10:30 am Break

10:45 am Group shake-up - Switch to second topic of your choosing

11:35 am Lightning report outs

11:45 am Whole group discussion

12:00 pm Lunch - box lunches provided for participants in Arlington

1:30 pm Presentation: Geoscience Education Community and the NAGT On the Cutting Edge Program

1:45 pm whole group discussion

  • What the program looks like now and what opportunities do we need to create for it to change in order to serve the goal of creating Belonging 
  • How can we adapt and change the current paradigm in light of our conversations last night and this morning?

2:30 pm Break out groups

  • What do we need to do to get to a Geoscience Education Community that successfully cultivates, supports, and creates a sense of belonging for everyone?
    • What do we have agency to change?
    • How do we prioritize actionable steps?
    • What actions need to be taken? Who needs to take these actions?
  • Moving Forward Group 1: Kaatje, Pranoti, AK, Kristina, Candice with Cheryl (Ballston Room/Breakout 1)
  • Moving Forward Group 2: Claire, Anika, Bradlee, Minte, Marissa with Jen (Farragut Room/Breakout 2)
  • Moving Forward Group 3: Darryl, Annie, Meghan, Stefany, Steve with John (Elevator Atrium/Breakout 3)
  • Moving Forward Group 4: Lisa, Dyanna, Rachel, Cam, Wilnelly with Cailin (Ballston Atrium/Breakout 4)

3:15 pm Break

3:30 pm Gallery walk activity of other groups' workspaces (individual work)

4:00 pm Individual report back and synthesis

  • What are the common threads? 

4:30 pm Whole group discussion and synthesis

  • Making sense of what we have learned
  • What are the highest priority recommendations? What are the most straightforward ones to enact?
  • What are important and actionable next steps?
  • How do folks want to stay involved (if at all)?

5:15 pm Discussion of how to continue this conversation and how visible/involved you want to be in this effort.

  • What feels safe and honors participation? 

5:30 End of workshop evaluation

6:00 pm Adjourn

(for people in Virginia - we need to leave the big room by 6:00 and the building by 6:30 ET)