Project Timeline
Following is the timeline for the first 2013 SAIL Seminar.
Each seminar is expected to follow a similar schedule in the respective years.
Early February 2012
ACM issues call for pre-proposals to nominate the topic, international site, and leadership for the 2013 SAIL Seminar.
April 12, 2012
Deadline for pre-proposals.
Early May 2012
Selection Committee reviews pre-proposals and invites final proposals.
June 19, 2012
Deadline for final proposals; review by Selection Committee.
July 8-18, 2012
"Considering Animals" seminar takes place in Washington, DC. Initial design and schedule for curricular follow-up, and a capstone project for the group are planned.August 2012
2013 seminar topic, site, and leadership are announced. Dates for the seminar are selected with the leadership team.
Early September, 2011
ACM issues call for participants for 2013 seminar.
October 18, 2012
Deadline for applications to participate in the summer 2013 seminar; review by selection committee and leadership team.
January-June 2013
Leadership team works with consortial staff to develop a full calendar and syllabus for the 2013 seminar content and structure.
Academic Year 2012-13
Seminar participants develop cross-disciplinary curricular elements to implement seminar topics and themes; leadership team members provide scholarly leadership for the seminar group as the participants develop the projects and for the capstone project, with communications and logistical support from consortial staff.
Faculty who participate in the 2012 and 2013 seminars will participate in an ACM-wide conference in the fall of 2013 to share the curricular and intellectual results of their seminars; a similar conference will occur in the fall of 2016 after all five seminars have been completed.