Graduate Training in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: A Workshop
published May 24, 2017 1:02pmGraduate Training in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: A Workshop<>
June 8-9, 2017
National Academy of Sciences Building, Lecture Room
2101 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC
Join the Board on Science Education for a public workshop on Graduate Training in the Social and Behavioral Sciences.
The two day workshop will help identify educational changes that may be needed in order to better prepare PhD students in the social and behavioral sciences (SBS) for the job market and scientific challenges of the future. The workshop will cover the following themes:
* Current production and employment of PhD's in the social and behavioral sciences, including different pathways for training and where individuals holding PhD's in SBS are currently employed.
* How changes in science, academia, government, and business are creating new demands and challenges for the future SBS workforce.
* How employers perceive their future needs.
* How training and career pathways for graduate students in the social and behavioral sciences will need to be transformed in order to respond to changing data resources, research practices, and career opportunities.
* How the issues above might vary across the social, behavioral, and economic sciences.
* Data needs and the potential research areas to inform reshaping graduate training and to identify best practices.
The workshop will feature invited presentations and discussion on the identified themes and will produce a proceedings that will be published in 2017.
If you have questions about the event, please feel free to contact us.
This event is sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation.