Designing the Web Interface of an Online Resource
The final step is to make your vision of this new online resource a reality. This is where you need to possess or have access to the technical skills necessary to put the educational rubber to electronic superhighway, so to speak.
There are many important things to think about, including overarching design considerations, writing web pages, homepage design factors, usability, accessibility, and whether or not to use the latest technology.
At the workshop, participants were asked to summarize the most important lessons they learned as well as the what they recognized as needs for the educational community to move forward in creating online resources.
We should encourage the development of sharable modules rather than entire classes. In particular, general purpose modules that can be used for many different purposes.
Design web pages as you would any new exercise.
Site testing often overlooked.
Site navigation—how do you navigate from the middle of a site? Is this always desirable in an educational context?
On-line communications can provide a venue of establishing a sense of community for distance learners.
The web isn't the answer to all of our questions
Sites that catalog best practices in the use of online resources in education.
A better understanding of the tools that are currently available for developing and implementing dynamic web content.
Small pieces of educational content—animations, pictures, etc.
What are the trends in web technologies. Can we establish which technologies will have long half lives?
What is the portability of web content into a variety of learning contexts?
Other Resources
WaSP Interact: is an open curriculum based upon web standards and best practices, designed to teach students the skills of the web professional. Adapt and reuse our resources. Contribute your own content and ideas.