Initial Publication Date: January 21, 2008

Workshop Participants

as of February 6, 2008

Workshop Conveners

Cathryn Manduca, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College
Susan Buhr, CIRES, University of Colorado [unable to attend]
Mark Leckie, Department of Geoscience, University of Massachusetts
Steve Reynolds, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University
Stephanie Stockman, Science Systems and Applications, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Workshop Participants

Mark Abolins Middle Tennessee State University

Teaching Activity: Volcanoes Around the Globe
Tectonic Setting of Active Costa Rican Volcanoes
Chesapeake Bay Impact Effects
Physical Regions of the U.S. (Free, illustrated, on-line textbook)

Charles Anderson Penn State University 

Presentation: Putting Your World on the GeoWall (PowerPoint 529kB Feb12 08)
Visualization: Penn State Center for Environmental Kinetics Analysis - GeoWall Visualizations

Matthew Arsenault US Geological Survey
Lynn Blaney Institute for Global Environmental Strategies 
Rebecca Boger Brooklyn College of CUNY 
David Boutt University of Massachusetts
Bruce Caron New Media Research Institute 

Presentation: Building real data into educational multimedia desktop software (Acrobat (PDF) 10.9MB Feb11 08)

Amy Cline University of New Hampshire

Presentation: Google Earth Lessons using Marine Data (PowerPoint 4.3MB Feb11 08)

Christopher Condit University of Massachusetts Amherst 
Michele Cooke University of Massachusetts Amherst 

Presentation: 3D Earthquake and Fault Distribution (PowerPoint 1.3MB Feb11 08) with visualizations of 3D LA Consensus Fault Model (Acrobat (PDF) 104kB Feb11 08) and 3D LA Area Quakes, 1990-2003 (Acrobat (PDF) 2.4MB Feb11 08)

Robert de Groot University of Southern California 
M. Darby Dyar Mount Holyoke College 
Gareth Funning University of California Riverside 
Ned Gardiner American Museum of Natural History 
Elizabeth Goeke Vassar College
Andrew Goodwillie Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Frank Granshaw Portland State University and Portland Community College 
Robert Graziano University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Erin Heffron IVS 3D
Jose Hurtado University of Texas at El Paso 
Kim Kastens Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory 

Presentation: The Use of Data, Simulations, and Visualizations in Geoscience Education (PowerPoint 25.6MB Feb12 08) 
Teaching Activity: Concept Test based on Mid-Ocean Ridge Data

Patrick Kennelly Long Island University 
Helen King University of Plymouth 

Poster: Experiencing Geoscience through an Immersive Vision Theatre (PowerPoint 1.2MB Feb12 08)

Michelle Kinzel Oregon State University 

Presentation: Teaching GIS: Tips and Tricks (PowerPoint 6.4MB Feb11 08)

Tamara Shapiro Ledley TERC 
Steven Lloyd NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center

Presentation: Using NASA's New Giovanni Web Portal (PowerPoint 2.4MB Feb11 08)

Walter Meier National Snow and Ice Data Center 

Presentation: Visualizing Polar Change (PowerPoint 6.2MB Feb25 08)
Visualization: NSIDC Snow and Ice Images Animations and Data

Paul Morin University of Minnesota
Dan Murray University of Rhode Island
Robert Myers IGES

Presentation: Inquiry: A Tool for Professional Development (PowerPoint 2.7MB Feb11 08)

Ed Nuhfer California State University at Channel Islands 

Poster: Understanding Global Warming through Conceptual Understanding of Change Through Time (PowerPoint 14.9MB Feb12 08)

Shelley Olds UNAVCO 

Presentation: Using GPS Data to Learn about Tectonic Plate Movement, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Other Applications (Acrobat (PDF) 3.9MB Feb12 08)

Charles Onasch Bowling Green State University 

Teaching Activity: Visualizing structural geometry from outcrop patterns

Gary Randolph The GLOBE Program 

Poster: Using GLOBE Student Data to Understand Earth Systems Science (Acrobat (PDF) 1.7MB Feb12 08) and associated Teaching Acitivities (Acrobat (PDF) 3.5MB Feb12 08) 
Teaching Activity: In Search of GLOBE Data

Glenn A. Richard Stony Brook University 

Presentation: Google Earth presentation (PowerPoint 11.4MB Feb11 08) 
Poster: Strain Rate Models of Southern California (PowerPoint 6.5MB Feb12 08)
Strain Rate Models of Southern California

Ronald Schott Fort Hays State University 
Tim Slater University of Arizona 
William Slattery Wright State University 

Teaching Activity: Plotting Earthquakes with near real time data

David Smith The GLOBE Program 

Poster: Accessing On-line Data with My World GIS (Acrobat (PDF) 1.5MB Feb12 08)

Linda Sohl Columbia University 
Sarah Titus Carleton College 

Presentation: How to Improve Students' Spatial Visualization Abilities in 10 Minutes a Day (PowerPoint 22.3MB Feb12 08)

Warren C. Tomkiewicz Plymouth State University 

Teaching Activity: Gulf Stream Heat Budget and Europe's Mild Climate: A Problem-based Learning Activity

Jaime Toro West Virginia University

Presentation: Creating 3D Geological Maps using Sketch Up (PowerPoint 1.1MB Feb11 08) with Greenland Gap 3D visualization ( 305kB Feb11 08)

Lensyl Urbano University of Memphis

Presentation: Collaborative Movie Production (Acrobat (PDF) 62kB Feb11 08) 
Teaching Activity: Formation of the solar system and orbital parameters

James Washburne University of Arizona - SAHRA 

Presentation: Watershed Visualizations (PowerPoint 4.6MB Feb11 08)

Stuart Wier UNAVCO

Presentation: The GEON Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)

Daniel R. Zalles SRI International 

Teaching Activity: The Heat is On: Understanding Local Climate Change 
Tutorial: DIGS: Data Sets and Inquiry in Geoscience Education (PowerPoint 2.5MB Feb12 08)

Workshop Organizing Staff

Karin Kirk, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College 
Carol Ormand, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College