Extra credit beach cleanup: Service Learning in action
Learning Goals
Content/concepts goals
The goal of this extra credit beach cleanup is to get students to pick up trash at a beach as part of an organized beach cleanup event.
Higher order thinking skills goals
As student pick up trash at the beach, they think about how the trash got there and write about their reflections afterwards. As an optional activity, the students can also sort their trash and make a list of the number and items of what was collected.
Other skills goals
Students often work in groups.
Context for Use
Type and level of course
Undergraduate general oceanography course (Oceanography 100), but this activity also could be used for other courses with an environmental theme.
Skills and concepts students should have mastered
It's best if the beach cleanup comes after discussing how various types of pollution get into the ocean.
How the activity is situated in the course
This is an optional extra credit activity. Since it is part of an organized beach cleanup event (such as a local cleanup effort or the California Coastal Cleanup Day in September), its date and where it falls in the course is pre-determined.
Description and Teaching Materials
- Student Info Sheet for Beach Cleanup (Acrobat (PDF) 169kB Mar7 16)
Teaching Notes and Tips
References and Resources
California Coastal Cleanup Day Website: https://www.coastal.ca.gov/publiced/ccd/ccd.html
Note that many other states have coastal cleanup events.
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