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Results 1 - 10 of 31 matches

Better Field Instruction by using Jigsaw Groups
James Sammons
Jigsaw groups places field site students in active, shared responsiblity, collaboration as they infer the concepts previously chosen and supported by their instructor.

New Pedagogic Methods: Problem Solving: Pedagogic Methods:Problem Solving:Jigsaw, Pedagogic Methods:Problem Solving, Other:Cooperative Learning

Context-Rich Problems
Joann Bangs, College of St. Catherine
Developed by Joann Bangs, St. Catherine University Enhanced by Jennifer Docktor, University of Minnesota, Ken Heller, University of Minnesota, Brian Peterson, Central College and Rochelle Ruffer, Nazareth College ...

New Pedagogic Methods: Problem Solving: Pedagogic Methods:Problem Solving:Context Rich Problems, Pedagogic Methods:Problem Solving

Teaching with the Case Method
Ann Velenchik, Wellesley College
By Ann Velenchik Wellesley College With considerable help from Pat Conway, Mike Hemesath, Eric Ribbens, and David Schodt What is Teaching with the Case Method? The case method combines two elements: the case itself ...

New Pedagogic Methods: Problem Solving: Pedagogic Methods:Problem Solving:Teaching with the Case Method, Pedagogic Methods:Problem Solving

Guided Discovery Problems
Ann Bykerk-Kauffman, California State University-Chico
Developed by Ann Bykerk-Kauffman . Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, California State University, Chico What are Guided Discovery Problems? Deep down inside, why are you a scientist? I'll ...

New Pedagogic Methods: Problem Solving: Pedagogic Methods:Other:Inquiry:Guided Inquiry, Pedagogic Methods:Problem Solving:Guided Discovery Problems, Pedagogic Methods:Problem Solving

Barb Tewksbury, Hamilton College
Developed by Barbara Tewksbury, Hamilton College "When efforts are structured cooperatively, there is considerable evidence that students will exert more effort to achieve - learn more, use higher-level ...

New Pedagogic Methods: Problem Solving: Pedagogic Methods:Problem Solving:Jigsaw, Pedagogic Methods:Problem Solving, Other:Cooperative Learning

Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning
Developed by Rick Moog, James Spencer, Frank Creegan, Troy Wolfskill, David Hanson, Andrei Stroumanis, Diane Bunce, and Jennifer Lewis (among many others). For a complete list of POGIL project personnel and a ...

New Pedagogic Methods: Problem Solving: Pedagogic Methods:Problem Solving, Other:Inquiry:Guided Inquiry, Pedagogic Methods:Problem Solving:Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning

Peer-Led Team Learning
Pratibha Varma-Nelson, IUPUI
Developed Pratibha Varma-Nelson, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis What is Peer-Led Team Learning? The Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) Workshops generally supplement the lecture. PLTL ...

New Pedagogic Methods: Problem Solving: Pedagogic Methods:Problem Solving, Other:Cooperative Learning, Pedagogic Methods:Problem Solving:Peer-Led Team Learning

Faculty-coached, In-class Problem Solving
Debby Walser-Kuntz, Carleton College; Sarah Deel, Carleton College
Debby R. Walser-Kuntz, Sarah E. Deel, and Susan R. Singer Carleton College, Northfield, MN What is Faculty-coached, In-class Problem Solving? In this class format, students work collaboratively to solve problems, ...

New Pedagogic Methods: Problem Solving: Pedagogic Methods:Problem Solving:Coached Problem Solving, Pedagogic Methods:Problem Solving

Using Investigative Cases
Ethel Stanley, Beloit College; Margaret Waterman
Ethel Stanley, BioQUEST, Beloit College, and Margaret Waterman, Southeast Missouri State University "The investigative case-based learning approach is a method of learning and teaching that gives students ...

New Pedagogic Methods: Problem Solving: Pedagogic Methods:Problem Solving:Investigative Case Based Learning, Pedagogic Methods:Problem Solving

The Five Biggest Ideas in Science
Charles M. Wynn, Arthur W. Wiggins
In a thought-provoking and entertaining exploration of The Five Biggest Ideas in Science, authors Charles Wynn and Arthur Wiggins provide a panoramic view of the questions scientists seek to answer ...

New Pedagogic Methods: Problem Solving: Pedagogic Methods:Other:Cooperative Learning, Pedagogic Methods:Problem Solving:Jigsaw

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