Bathymetry Visualizations

Compiled by Jen Millner at Montana State University (more info)

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International Bathymetric Chart of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico These illustrations present three views of the bathymetry of the Gulf of Mexico. The first shows depth in colored relief, the second provides a more detailed view of coastal and sea floor topography, and the third shows precise undersea features and provides the names of each. Images may be zoomed in and out for better viewing.

Bathymetry of Monterey Bay (more info) Bathymetry Maps of Monterey Bay

International Bathymetric Chart of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico (more info) This image by the USGS Pacific Sea Floor Mapping Project shows the complex and rugged nature of the continental margin off the coast of Los Angeles, CA. The image may be useful for examining erosiona and deposition on the continental shelf, as well as identifying sediment transport pathways or areas of potential mass movement.