Initial Publication Date: October 25, 2013

Introductory Oceanography Field Trips:
Sample learning outcomes and activity ideas

The sample outcomes and activity ideas were compiled by participants at the 2013 Teaching Oceanography workshop Workshop participants created these ideas while taking part in pre- and post-workshop field trips to a number of field sites as well as a field trip to the Aquarium on the Bay (Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco) and the San Francisco Exploratorium during the workshop.

Other resources available through On the Cutting Edge: Teaching Geoscience in the Field (including defining its place in the curriculum, its benefits, developing skills and habits, and designing field experiences).

Sample Outcomes



Sample Activities and Questions to Ask Our Students in a Variety of Settings



Locating yourself: Given aerial photographs, locate yourself and different features in your field area (such as coastal headlands and coves)

Making observations with tools (sketchbook; hand lens; knife; bottles; vials; binoculars)

Coastal processes

Human interactions and impacts

Marine ecosystems (intertidal, benthic, pelagic -- through field trip, aquarium, or cruise)



Contribute your Idea(s)

Do you have an idea to add? Contribute your idea on this discussion board thread.