Share a Course Description

Please use this form to describe an introductory geoscience course that you teach. The purpose of this is to provide a collection of examples of introductory courses that are particularly effective. Here is an example of a completed course (opens in a new window).

Complete the following form, and click on SUBMIT to submit your course. Be sure to hit the SUBMIT button before leaving this page, or your information will be lost. We encourage you to compose your answers to the longer questions in a word processor and to cut and paste the resulting text into this form. This gives you access to conveniences like spell checking as well as the opportunity to save and reflect on your work before submitting. Also, please note that after you submit this form, you will no longer be able to edit your information via this form so be sure to complete all fields before submitting.

Course Syllabus

Please select the appropriate file type from the drop down menu above (such as Word, Excel, etc).

Additional course materials. Please consider combining groups of relevant materials into a single file.


