Virtual Rock Lab
Clark Giboney
Willard High School (Willard, Missouri)
This activity was selected for the On the Cutting Edge Reviewed Teaching Collection
This activity has received positive reviews in a peer review process involving five review categories. The five categories included in the process are
- Scientific Accuracy
- Alignment of Learning Goals, Activities, and Assessments
- Pedagogic Effectiveness
- Robustness (usability and dependability of all components)
- Completeness of the ActivitySheet web page
For more information about the peer review process itself, please see
- First Publication: April 12, 2010
- Reviewed: January 17, 2015 -- Reviewed by the On the Cutting Edge Activity Review Process
Students use a website to identify rocks based on their properties.
Igneous Rocks Grade Level
High School (9-12), College Introductory
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High school geology
Skills and concepts that students must have mastered
- Know the properties used to identify rocks.
- Know how igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks form.
How the activity is situated in the course
The students work with partners or in groups of three.
Content/concepts goals for this activity
Higher order thinking skills goals for this activity
Using the properties of the rock (crystal size, color, clast size, etc.) to infer about the formation of the rock.
Other skills goals for this activity
Description of the activity/assignment
Determining whether students have met the goals
More information about assessment tools and techniques.Teaching materials and tips
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