Potential Participants

This is a page for the conveners to post their ideas for folks that should be (strongly) encouraged to apply/attend the workshop.

Kelin Whipple - Arizona State - has proposed new geomorphology / soils field camp (Steve)

John Geissman, long term field advocate, intro field geology (DM)

Joe Elkins, learning outcomes in the field, Novelty Space, affective assessment in the field, IPOD (DM)

Erin Campbell-Stone (U. Wyoming) (DM)

Rob Thomas (Western Montana) (DM)

Bob Miller (San Jose State Univ) (DM)

Alan Boyle (Plymouth, UK) - field assessment (Steve)

Eric Pyle (James Madison) - field assessment (Steve)

Bruce Douglas (IU field camp) (Steve)

Frank Pazzaglia (Lehigh field camp) (Steve)

Terry Pavlis (UTEP?) computer-based mapping (DM)

Scott Baldridge (or Larry Braile or George Jiracek) from SAGE (SK)

more women? (SK)

Don Siegel (Syracuse, gourndwater hydro) (Bob)

Laura Lautz (Syracuse, surface water, hyporheic hydro) (Bob)

Jon Mies (U Tenn Chattanooga) (Bob)

Linda Ivany (Syracuse, field paleoclimate teaching) (Bob)

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