Knowledge Survey Questions - Structural Geology

Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 1

  • What is a recumbent isoclinal fold?
  • What is a fault-bend fold?
  • What is a Brunton compass used for?

Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 2

  • What are the orientations of fold axes in a thrust belt vs. a strike-slip boundary?
  • What is the correlation of Mode II fractures in rock mechanics experiments to reality?

Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 3

  • Create a palinspastic restoration of a thrust belt where all the structures become listric to a regional detachment.
  • Characterize the stereographic projections of conical vs. cylindrical folds.
  • While looking at a regional airphoto of the Appalachian's, identify anticlines and synclines, and their plunges.
  • Describe the AMS fabric in a mafic dike swarm, and the implications for magma intrusion.
  • How are the compatability equations useful to structural geology?

Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 4

  • Describe the chronology of calcite twinning strains associated with formation of Derby Dome in the context of the Sevier-Laramide orogens.

Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 6

  • Evaluate the evidence for the catastrophic motion of upper plate blocks and the Heart Mountain detachment. What slide rate is required?
  • Synthesize the results of various strain measuring techniques, including calcite twin analysis, and the resultant mechanism for plate motion in Iceland.
  • Evaluate the evidence that annual vertical plate motions are greater in magnitude that horizontal motions and the implications of this observation to tectonics.