Initial Publication Date: September 6, 2006
Knowledge Survey Questions - Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 1
- What is the definition of a formation?
Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 2
- Outline the basic descriptive parameters needed to characterize sedimentary rocks in detail.
- Compare and contrast braided and meandering fluvial systems, both in the modern and in the rock record.
- Compare and contrast lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and chronostratigraphy.
- Identify the major rock-forming minerals common to siliciclastic rocks.
Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 3
- Explain why the stratigraphic records of transgression and regression are commonly disproportionate (asymmetrical)?
- Explain how regression might occur during relative sea-level rise.
- Measure a stratigraphic section through well exposed outcrop.
- Describe how you would draft a detailed measured section.
Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 4
- Explain the concepts of transgression and regression.
- Explain how climate can be inferred from sedimentary deposits.
- Explain the nature of the stratigraphic record to a non-geologist, with emphasis on rocks vs. time.
- Generate a cross section through a basin using sedimentological data (several measured sections).
- How can sedimentary rocks and fossils be used to reconstruct the history of a basin?
- Design a study that uses a stylolitic seam to estimate the extent of carbonate dissolution in the cliffs along the Mississippi River.
- Design a study that reveals the types of evaporite minerals that might form in a land-locked (evaporating) marine basin.
Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 5
- Design a study that links bedforms to their sedimentary structures.
- Design a study that uses texture, mineralogy, and sedimentary structures to infer the history of a sedimentary rock.
- Design a study that uses sandstone petrology to decipher tectonic provenance of sedimentary rocks.
- Compare and contrast sequence stratigraphy with other types of stratigraphic analysis.
- Explain why it is difficult to extend sequence stratigraphic methodology into terrestrial strata.
Bloom's Taxonomy Level - 6
- Explain the significance of the facies concept.
- Evaluate alluvial architecture in relation to basin subsidence.