Initial Publication Date: September 7, 2006
Pathways Through Introductory Science & Math Courses
Since December of 2004, a group of science and math faculty and staff have been working together to articulate, at the department level and more collectively, a range of "pathways" through the first two years of the Carleton curriculum for students with interest in science.
Clear and consistent information about a range of successful pathways has become increasingly important as our student body diversifies; students are arriving on campus with a larger range of educational and high-school backgrounds. These pathways can be used by students and advisors as courses are being selected. Information is also provided to first-year students prior to arrival on campus.
Members of the "Pathways Group" are:
- Joe Chihade (Chemistry)
- Debby Walser-Kuntz (Biology)
- Amy Dalal (Computer Science/Math)
- Bereket Haileab Geology)
- Gretchen Hofmeister (Chemistry)
- Arjendu Pattanayak (Physics & Astronomy)