The Using Data in the Classroom project was active between 2003 and 2010. Much of the content dates from that time period and so may not be up to date. We are preserving the content here because it still contains useful ideas.

The Activities Collection draws from newer projects across SERC. You may also want to explore the Data and Models resources discoverable through Teach the Earth

Pedagogic Resources

Initial Publication Date: January 12, 2007

This page contains links and references that provide information or background about pedagogical or practical issues in using data in the classroom. If you'd like to add to the collection, please use the contribute form to suggest appropriate references.

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Pedagogical Approaches and Materials

Screenshot teaching with data PIA
Teaching with Data from Pedagogy in Action - This is the first page in a module about teaching with data in entry level geoscience classrooms. The module offers background information for teaching with data (what is it, why use it, and how does one use it) as well as a collection of activity examples one can use in their classroom.

Teaching with Data Simulations
Teaching with Data Simulations from Pedagogy in Action - Teaching with data simulations means giving students opportunities to simulate data in order to answer a particular research question or solve a statistical problem. This module explains how to use this technique along with with example activities and classroom tips.

Screenshot Teaching with Data, Simulations, and Models
Teaching with Data, Simulations, and Models from On the Cutting Edge - Today's geoscience education reaches beyond the traditional teaching tools such as rock samples and topographic maps. With the addition of computers in many geoscience classrooms and laboratories, faculty have unprecedented opportunity to create innovative learning experiences by bringing real-world data sets and models and simulations of geoscience processes into the classroom. This site provides resources to help faculty use data resources effectively and easily, and contains access to teaching materials and tips from the classroom and literature about the supporting pedagogy.

Geochemical Instrumentation and Analysis screenshot
Geochemical Instrumentation and Analysis from Integrating Research and Education - The purpose of this project is to supply an on-line tutorial of the analytical techniques commonly used to characterize geological materials. The goal is to help novices (e.g. students, or scientists working out of their field) to become critical consumers and producers of data using the arsenal of mineralogical, petrological, and geochemical analytical techniques available.

IRE screenshot
Integrating Research and Education - This website contains educational modules for use by teachers, students and researchers. These collections offer numerous ways in which digital library technologies can be used to translate exciting new scientific discoveries into effective instructional practice. Examples include Teaching with the EarthChem database, Exploring the Yellowstone Geoecosystem, and Teaching Mineralogy with Crystal Structure Databases.

Teaching with Models
Teaching with Models from Starting Point - This module covers the technical and pedagogical considerations for how to incorporate modeling activities into introductory geoscience courses, with examples of models for use in the classroom.
Using Data in the Classroom screenshot
Using Data in the Classroom - This is the first page in a module about teaching with data in a variety of geoscience classrooms. The module offers background information for teaching with data, tools and resources for teaching with data, pedagogic resources for teaching with data, and example activities.

Screenshot for using data in the classroom tools
Using Data in the Classroom - Data Sources and Tools - This is a browsable collection of sites that provide online or downloadable tools for visualizing or manipulating data or datasets that can be used in the classroom.

MARGINS data workshop screenshot
Using MARGINS Data in the Classroom - This is the first page in a series developed from a 2009 MARGINS workshop. The MARGINS project focuses on plate boundaries and has designed and evaluated teacher-ready mini-lessons for the undergraduate classroom. The decade-long NSF MARGINS program has generated a wealth of data for use in the undergraduate classroom.

Teaching with GIS screenshot
Teaching with GIS in the Classroom from Pedagogy in Action - This module offers background information about GIS, how it can be used in the classroom, why it is useful in the classroom, and a collection of examples and activities using GIS in the classroom.

Teaching Mineralogy w Data Screenshot
Teaching Mineralogy with Crystal Structure Databases and Visualization Software from Integrating Research and Education - This page is the first in a series on teaching mineralogy using crystal structure databases and visualization software. This page featuring a list of crystal structure databases may also be useful in a mineralogy course.

Geopads Screenshot
Teaching with GeoPads from Integrating Research and Education - This site is designed to help teachers and students effectively and efficiently use GeoPads (portable GIS-based mapping and note-taking computers) in field-based instructional and research activities. This site provides practical advice on selecting software and hardware, accessing and formatting data, and designing and implementing instructional activities. In addition, "best instructional practices" in using GeoPads are described, including learning goals, expected outcomes, and assessment strategies.

Inquiry Page Screenshot
Inquiry Page ( This site may be offline. ) This site facilitates discussion of inquiry-based education, sharing of resources and experiences, and exploration of innovative approaches in a collaborative environment. The site provides an online community that uses inquiry-based and collaborative approaches to study inquiry-based learning.

WISE Screenshot
WISE - The Web-Based Inquiry Science Environment (more info) This site outlines a pedagogical approach for inquiry-based activities and provides examples and interviews supporting the model.

VGGE Screenshot
Visual Geophysical Exploration Environment ( This site may be offline. ) The VGEE is built on the metaphor of a pyramid, which represents a progression of scientific knowledge that can be used to understand the natural world.

Working Groups and Organizations

  • DLESE Data Access Working Group (DAWG): This working group has formed to develop access and tools to support student exploration of data through DLESE. Reinvigorated in Fall 2003, the group is chaired by Bruce Caron and focuses on facilitating discovery and use of geoscience data.
  • DLESE For Educators: Teaching with Data: This site provides an overview of DLESE services for educators teaching with data.
  • Center for Problem-Based Learning ( This site may be offline. ) Problem-based learning (PBL) is an educational approach that organizes curriculum and instruction around carefully crafted "ill-structured" problems.


The development of this resource collection is a community effort. We invite you to contribute.