

Results 1 - 10 of 31 matches

Coke vs. Pepsi Taste Test: Experiments and Inference about Cause part of Examples
The Coke vs. Pepsi Taste Test Challenge has students design and carry out an experiment to determine whether or not students are able to correctly identify two brands of cola in a blind taste test. In the first ...

Subject: Mathematics:Statistics:Statistical Inference and Techniques, Mathematics:Statistics, Statistics:Data Collection, Mathematics

Reese's Pieces Activity: Sampling from a Population part of Examples
This activity uses simulation to help students understand sampling variability and reason about whether a particular samples result is unusual, given a particular hypothesis. By using first candies, then a web applet, and varying sample size, students learn that larger samples give more stable and better estimates of a population parameter and develop an appreciation for factors affecting sampling variability.

Subject: Mathematics:Statistics:Data Presentation, Data Collection, Statistical Inference and Techniques:Estimation Principles:Sample Size Determination, Mathematics:Statistics:Statistical Inference and Techniques:Estimation Principles, Mathematics, Statistics, Statistics:Data Collection:Sampling and Survey Issues, Mathematics:Statistics:Statistical Inference and Techniques

Supply Chain Management Simulation Activity part of Examples
A free online simulation that demonstrated the bull-whip effect, and the complexities of supply chain management, responding to changes in customer demand.

Subject: Business, Economics

Transgenic Fly Lab part of Examples
This virtual fly lab provides participants with knowledge to better understand contruct and transpose DNA, transgenic organisms, gene expression, and circadian rhythm.

Subject: Biology, Molecular Biology

Population Simulator part of Pedagogy in Action:Library:Teaching with Simulations:Examples
This simulation uses United Nations world population projections to simulate future population trends for the whole world or of individual countries. Students will have an opportunity to examine population trends and make predictions.

MarketSim part of Pedagogy in Action:Library:Teaching with Simulations:Examples
MarketSim helps students understand the functioning of markets by having them become consumers and producers in a simulated economy. There are two versions, both implemented over the internet. Jeremy's market ...

Subject: Economics

Hobson's Choice: A Game Simulation about Homelessness part of Pedagogy in Action:Library:Teaching with Simulations:Examples
Hobson's choice is a game about homelessness and how difficult it is to get off the streets and leave the situation of homelessness.It is a useful learning activity for helping students understand the differences between blaming the victim and structural causes of poverty.

Tax Game part of Pedagogy in Action:Library:Teaching with Simulations:Examples
The link between a set of taxes and income distribution is an important, but difficult, concept taught in economics principles courses. The Tax Game simulation requires a student to set tax rates for an income tax, a property tax, a wealth tax, a payroll tax, a corporate income tax, a sales tax,and an excise tax. The student can choose any rates he or she wishes, but must achieve a given revenue target.

Subject: Economics

Fair Model part of Pedagogy in Action:Library:Teaching with Simulations:Examples
The Fair model web site includes a freely available United States macroeconomic econometric model and a multicounty econometric model. The models run on the Windows OS. Instructors can use the models to teach ...

Subject: Economics

Sports Franchise Simulation part of Pedagogy in Action:Library:Teaching with Simulations:Examples
A Sports Franchise Simulation, modeled after the card game War, lets students run their own sports franchise. While the goal of the simulation is to teach students several microeconomics concepts taught in a ...