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Plate Tectonics Courses
Resource Type: Course Information
- 298 matches General/Other
- Goals/Syllabi 350 matches
- Course Site 20 matches
Results 1 - 10 of 589 matches
Petrology and Plate Tectonics
Allen Glazner, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
This course is organized around the igneous and metamorphic processes that govern the rock cycle, all within the context of plate tectonics. Rather than addressing igneous and metamorphic rocks and processes as ...
Plate Tectonics
Rory McFadden, Carleton College
A systematic treatment of the geology and geophysics of plate tectonics, based on present knowledge of the structure and physical properties of the Earth's interior. Included are present kinematics of plate ...
Plate Tectonics
Sarah Titus, Carleton College
The Plate Tectonics Revolution
Emily Peterman, Bowdoin College
Although only ~40 years old, the theory of plate tectonics provides a global framework to understand such varied phenomena as earthquakes, volcanoes, ocean basins and mountain systems both on continents (e.g. the ...
Plate Tectonics and Tectonic Hazards
John Creasy, Bates College
This is a topical course covering plate tectonics and associated hazards such as eartquakes, volcanic activity, and secondary hazards such as tsunami, landslides, etc. A companion topical course covers surficial ...
Introduction to the Geosciences
Leslie Reid, University of Calgary
This course focuses on physical geology. The course focuses on 5 Big Ideas including Plate Tectonics, The Rock Cycle, Geologic Time, Geoscience Research and Scientific Thinking. There are also four skills that are ...
Introduction to Volcanology
Erouscilla Joseph, University of the West Indies
The course will introduce students to Plate tectonics and volcanoes; including the processes that takes place at active volcanoes (eruptive mechanisms, effusive and explosive volcanism); methods and instrumentation ...
Online Physical Geology for Educators 710 (graduate level)
Ann Holmes, The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
Graduate level Physical Geology for Educators Course description: Earth's internal structure, plate tectonics, the rock cycle, weathering and earth materials, natural resources, geochemical cycles and the ...
G101: Introduction to Geology: Solid Earth
Deron Carter, Linn-Benton Community College
An introductory course in Physical Geology, focusing on the formation of earth materials in the context of plate tectonics. The lab and lecture are integrated to promote active learning.
Geology 101- Introductory Geology
Louis Bartek, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
This is an a Physical Geology course that focuses upon geologic processes and features with emphasis on using plate tectonics as an example of the scientific method in practice.