Module Author Meeting Agenda

Initial Publication Date: April 25, 2012

May 16-18, 2012

Wednesday, May 16

Noon Lunch, Weitz Center for Creativity, Carleton College, Room 236 (The Larsen Family Meeting Room)

Please use the main entrance to the Weitz Center at the corner of 3rd Street and College Street. Go east on 2nd Street (up the hill) and turn right on College Street. The Weitz Center will be just ahead as you walk south.

1:00 PM Welcome and Introductions (Authors, Assessment teams)

1:30 PM InTeGrate Overview

  • InTeGrate overview (Cathy) overview (PowerPoint 2.7MB May16 12)
  • Grand Challenges and Geoscience Literacy (David McC) Grand Challenge and Literacy slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 435kB Apr24 13)
  • Highlighting the role of geoscience in society (David S)

2:30 PM Group Break in Room 236 and then move to Intro Literacy room in Weitz Center, Room 131)

2:45 PM Module characteristics

  • Initial module summaries (All)
    • Common themes discussion
    • Experiences of participants, existing models
  • General features of a module (David McC)
    • Common module elements
    • Assumptions about students, classes, institutional settings
3:30 Building your module -
  • Using the CMS, working with the webteam, getting help, timelines (Sean)

4:30 PM Assessment Assessment timeline and products (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 455kB May16 12)

  • Assessment timeline (Ellen, David S.)
  • Design Rubric (Ellen, David S.)
  • Assessment tools (GLE etc)
  • Embedded Assessments

5:15 PM Finish

6:45 PM Dinner - Weitz Center, Room 236

7:00 PM Homework – score a module (David S)

Thursday, May 17

Complimentary breakfast will be served at the Country Inn Hotel

Meet in Weitz Center, Room 131

8:30 AM Why should a student care about this stuff? Geoliteracy slides for Thursday (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 397kB May16 12)

  • Autonomy, mastery, purpose Autonomy_Mastery_Purpose (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 16kB May17 12)
  • Creating interest
  • Potential common approaches

9:30 AM

  • Creating your module (Sean and David)
10:00 - 3:30 Module teams go to work
  1. completing
    • short description,
    • module learning goals
    • module narrative (section/activities/resources/media)
  2. Make an elevator pitch video
  3. meet with Sean to create module pages
  4. work on sections in a productive way (e.g. Learning objectives, assessment, activities for one section, Geoscience content, societal relevance)
  • Outcome: clear vision of module and path to completion; facility with CMS
10:15 Break outside door of Room 131

Noon Lunch - Weitz Center, Room 236

1:00 PM Module teams continued

2:45 PM Break outside door of Room 131

3:45 Work with assessment team member

4:15 GLE discussion

4:45 PM Module teams report out (Weitz Center, Room 236 and join assessment folks)

  • Feedback from assessment team members
  • Report from assessment team, Q&A

5:15 PM Finish

6:45 PM Dinner - Weitz Center, Room 236

7:00 PM - Working Time

  • Complete Roadcheck by 8:30

Friday, May 18

Complimentary breakfast will be served at the Country Inn Hotel

Check out of hotel.

Load luggage on vans 7:45-8:15am and then walk to Weitz Center. Please watch for the van at Weitz to put your luggage in Room 236 for noon departure.

Meet in Weitz Center, Room 131

8:30 AM Timelines

  • Distribution of workload for summer
  • Identify dates for interaction with assessment team members
  • Schedule for module materials testing

10:00 Work submission/publishing process

  • Getting help (David and Sean)
  • Testing (Ellen)
  • Copyright and getting paid (Sean and Cathy)
  • If time allows: Year 2 module suggestions

10:30-12:00 Combined group:

  • Assessment data collection
  • Final discussions, closing remarks, questions, and meeting evaluation

Noon Box Lunch - Weitz Center, Room 236