Internet Resources

Browse through this collection of internet resources drawn from the SERC catalog based on their relevance to the Deep Earth and/or teaching about it.

Results 1 - 20 of 56 matches

Mineralogy of Earth's Structure

Cartoon cross section of a subduction zone showing the principal mineralogy of the upper 800 km of Earth's mantle. Arc volcanism at the surface is depicted, as are upper mantle earthquakes (red ...

Ultrasonic Measurements Under Transition Zone Conditions

This image presents a schematic of the experimental setup used by Wang and Li (2003) to conduct ultrasonic measurements of sample deformation under transition zone conditions.

Geotherm with Pressure-Temperature Ranges Accessible by Static Techniques

This graph shows a geotherm together with the temperature and pressure ranges over which certain experimental methods are useful.

Kirscher's Earth Stucture

Athanasius Kircher's 1665 conception of the Earth's interior.

D-DIA Apparatus

This image is a schematic of a D-DIA apparatus used for mineral deformation experiments at high temperature and pressure.

The Earth's Mantle

This illustration from Kellog, Hader, and van der Hilst (1999) shows their vision of a chemically stratified mantle perturbed by the downgoing subducted slabs of oceanic lithospere (blue).

Current and Future Directions in High-Pressure Mineral Physics

The cover of the report "Current and Future Directions in High-Pressure Mineral Physics," showing the layers of the Earth and high-pressure equipment.

Historical Views of the Earth

This composite image shows how conception of the deep interior of the planet has changed over the last ~350 years.

High-Pressure Instrumentation

This diagram associates parts of the Earth's interior with particular kinds of experimental apparatus which can recreate it's pressure and temperature conditions.

Water in the Mantle

This schematic shows a cross-section of the planet and how water can migrate through the deep interior of the Earth. Blue arrows indicate a movement of water downward, yellow arrows indicated ...

Poster - New Research Directions in High-Pressure Mineral Physics

Large image showing recent research in mineral physics and advances in technology. Features detailed diagrams of various equipment and a short explanation of mineral physics' goals.

Links to Mineral Physics

This chart shows how mineral physics can be an important part of both research and education across the geology curriculum.

CVD Anvil

This image is of a diamond anvil used in high pressure deformation experiments. This particular diamond was created using the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. These artificial diamonds have ...

Capabilities of Experimental Apparatus

This diagram displays the pressure/temperature conditions capable of being simulated with two types of experimental equipment: Piston-Cylinder and USSA-2000. The ranges of conditions are plotted on a ...

Minerals in Earth's Mantle

This image from the COMPRES galleries shows the various mineral species that make up the composition of the mantle and how that composition varies with depth down to the core-mantle boundary.

Imagining Earth's Interior

This image from the COMPRES galleries show a dozen conceptions of the structure of the deep earth. The composite image is by Ed Garnero.

Numerical Models of the Geodynamo

This page from Peter Olson at Johns Hopkins University describes recent geomagnetic research. The page includes several illustrations and an animation of geomagnetic reversal.


This page from UC-Santa Cruz gives a description of the Earth's geomagnetic history, with several modeled images of the Earth's magnetic field. Included is a link to a PBS Nova animation of ...

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