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NSF Funds SERC-Hosted Workshop to Foster Cultural Change and Belonging in Geoscience Education
Posted: Aug 27 2024
The upcoming workshop will bring together geoscientists, educators, and change agents to explore strategies for enhancing inclusivity and belonging within the geosciences. By integrating diverse perspectives and focusing on key areas like departmental culture and inclusive spaces, the event aims to guide future professional development programs that cultivate a more supportive and diverse geoscience community.
NAGT's Traveling Workshop Program gets a spotlight in Eos
Posted: Jun 21 2024
Check out the article published in Eos highlighting the importance of the Traveling Workshop Program in supporting geoscience departments build stronger, more inclusive curricula and courses.
New Early Career resources for "Facilitating Meetings that Foster Equity and Inclusivity" live
Posted: Mar 12 2024
Are you a leader or convener for a meeting or workshop? Check out these resources to learn more about fostering meaningful dialogue on topics related to diversity, equity and inclusion within the geosciences and beyond.
Fostering Two-Year College Collaborations with Disciplinary Societies workshop report is published
Posted: Mar 5 2024

The final workshop report from the Fostering Two-Year College Collaborations with Disciplinary Societies workshop (which took place throughout spring and fall 2023) is now published.

New IGUaNA Teaching Module on Gravity and Magnetics
Posted: Jul 3 2023

A new teaching module from IGUaNA is available online. This 3-unit geophysics module introduces students to the fundamentals of exploring the subsurface with gravity and magnetism.

Register now for 2023 Earth Educators' Rendezvous in Pasadena, CA!
Posted: Feb 13 2023

Registration and abstract submissions are now open for the ninth annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous, taking place in Pasadena, CA, from July 10-14, 2023. Register today to reserve your spot in morning workshops and field trips.  NAGT Members receive 0 off registration fees.

Early registration deadline: May 3, 2023
Standard registration deadline: June 30, 2023

Register for the Rendezvous »

Early Career Workshop published in the new Handbook of STEM Faculty Development
Posted: Dec 12 2022
Available now as chapter in the new Handbook of STEM Faculty Development, SERC collaborative work has been published featuring the Early Career Workshop for Geoscience Faculty. Authors Rachel Beane, Ellen Iverson, ...
SAGE 2YC Publishes in Change Magazine: Cultivating Faculty to Catalyze Change
Posted: Jun 6 2022

Two-Year Faculty as Agents of Change program demonstrates the a professional development model increasing the use of evidence-based teaching practices and promoting institutional change via faculty leadership.

Stipends available for new BCEENET CURE Implementer Fellows!
Posted: Feb 17 2022

Are you interested in learning how to incorporate natural history collections data into a course-based undergraduate research project? We will be supporting 10 new BCEENET CURE Implementer Fellows during the 2022-2023 academic year with a stipend of 00 each. Apply today!

Launching the Midwest Climate Education Community of Practice
Posted: Feb 4 2022

Join the new Midwest Climate Education Community of Practice by signing up for community meetings this February through April.