Initial Publication Date: September 28, 2017

TREX Glossary


is a unit of volume equal to the volume of a sheet of water one acre in area and one foot in depth; 43,560 cubic feet of water

age trend

a pattern of differing tree ring widths that result from early tree rings tending to be wider than later growth tree rings


changes in climate relative to a baseline (example, the average)


historical documents or records (e.g., diaries, notes, official documents, etc)


of the north or northern regions

climate model

a computer-based simulation of the Earth's climate systems that help us understand past and future climate


is a technique that ensures each individual tree ring is assigned its exact year of formation by matching patterns of wide and narrow rings between cores from the same tree, and between trees from different locations


a scientist that focuses on dating events, environmental changes, and archaeological artifacts by using the characteristic patterns of annual growth rings in timber, tree trunks, and other wood samples


is the science or technique of dating events, environmental change, and archaeological artifacts by using the characteristic patterns of annual growth rings in timber and tree trunks


the process of removing the non-climatic trends in the data to show only the absolute changes in tree-ring width and to allow potential cyclical patterns in tree rings to be identified

early wood

is the light colored portion of a tree ring produced in the spring


the process by which water is transferred from the land to the atmosphere by evaporation from the soil and other surfaces and by transpiration from plants (moisture loss from stomatal pores on plants)


unusual or rare climate events

false ring

a layer of wood that appears to look like a complete ring, but is actually just a dark band that is not representative of the end of the growing season. The cellular structure is different than the ring of a complete ring.


The original Peoples of a region, and their descendants, that share distinct cultural traits

instrumental data

weather/climate data collected from instruments at a weather station, for example

late wood

is the darker part of an annual tree ring produced in the summer season

Law of Prior Appropriation

is the legal doctrine that the first person to take a quantity of water from a water source for "beneficial use"—agricultural, industrial or household —has the right to continue to use that quantity of water for that purpose

Little Ice Age

A period of time characterized by cool conditions (~1450-1850 CE), particularly in the North Atlantic region

locally absent rings

are growth rings that are discontinuous around the stem so that it is absent at certain points; also referred to as a partial ring or missing ring

mega drought

is a prolonged drought lasting several years, to decades or longer


a repetitive and/or periodic variation over a given time period


a climate prevalent at a particular time in the geological past


a science discipline that focuses on climatic conditions and their causes and effects in the geologic past using evidence found in glacial deposits, fossils, and sediments

Palmer Drought Severity Index

uses readily available temperature and precipitation data to estimate relative dryness. It is a standardized index that spans -10 (dry) to +10 (wet)

proxy data

is a past climate record like tree rings and ice cores used to interpret paleoclimate

satellite data

an instrument placedin an orbit around Earth that collects information (e.g., imagery) of the Earth's surface

skeleton plot

is a simple graphical representation of the ring width pattern in a sample tree ring core


rock fragments that have accumulated at the base of a cliff or slope


changes in a particular direction

wooly adelgids

small aphid-like insects that suck the sap from young twigs of hemlock, spruce, and fir trees. This prevents tree growth and causes needles to drop prematurely

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