Nature of Science Reference List
Compiled by Sandra Rutherford, Eastern Michigan UniversityBen-Ari, M., 2005, Just a Theory; Exploring the Nature of Science: New York, Prometheus Books, 237 p.
Carroll, R.T., 1999, Dowsing for Dollars: Fighting High-Tech Promises with Low-Tech Critical Thinking Skills
Colburn, A., 2004, Focusing Labs on the Nature of Science: The Science Teacher, v.71, p. 32-35.
Chiappetta, E.L., and Koballa, T.R., Jr. 2004, Quizzing Students on the Myths of Science: The Science Teacher, v. 71, p. 58-61.
This paper has a nice "Myths of Science" quiz that I gave to my college class as a pre and post test.
Chowning, J.T., 2005, How to have a Successful Science and Ethics Discussion: The Science Teacher, v. 72, p. 46-50.
Clough, M.P., and Olson, J.K., 2004, The Nature of Science, Always Part of the Science Story: The Science Teacher, v. 71, p. 28-31.
Crowther, D.T., Lederman, N.G. and Lederman, J.S., 2005, Understanding the True Meaning of Nature of Science: Science and Children, v. 43, p.50-52.
Eick, C.J., 2006, Inquiry, Nature of Science, and Evolution: The need for a More Complex Pedgogical Content Knowledge in Science Teaching
Forbes, G., 2006, Natural Selections: Essays on the Nature of Science & Evolution: MSTA Journal, Spring, V? p. 2-3.
Galus, P., 2002, Detecting & Preventing Plagiarism: The Science Teacher, v. 69, p. 35-37.
Gould, S.J. (1983) "Worm for a Century, and All Seasons," in Hen's Teeth and Horse's Toes, Stephen Jay Gould, New York: W. W. Norton and Company, pp. 120-133.
Harwood, W., 2004, An Activity Model for Scientific Inquiry: The Science Teacher, v. 71, p. 44.
Hohman, J., Adams, P., Taggart, G., Heinrichs, J., and Hickman, K., 2006, A "Nature of Science" Discussion: Connecting Mathematics and Science: Journal of College Science Teaching, v. 36, p. 18-21.
Langmuir, I., 1989, Pathological Science: Physics Today, v. 42, no. 10, p. 36-48.
Lederman, J.S., 2005, Nature of Science Is...: Science and Children, October, v. 43, p. 53-54.
Lederman, N.G., and Niess, M.L., 1977, The Nature of Science: Naturally?: School Science and Mathematics, v. 97, p. 1-2.
Lederman, N.G., 2003, The Matter of Subject Matter: School Science and Mathematics, v. 103, p. 361-363.
Lederman, N.G., and Lederman, J.S., 2004, Revising Instruction to Teach Nature of Science: The Science Teacher, v. 71, p. 36-39.
Lombardo, T., 2006, Pluto offers chance to teach limitation of science,: The Arizona Republic.
McComas, W.F., 1996, Ten Myths of Science; Reexamining What We Think We Know About the Nature of Science: School Science and Mathematics, v. 96, p. 10-16.
McComas, W.F., and Almazroa, H., 1998, The Nature of Science in Science Education: Science & Education, v. 7, p. 511-532.
McComas, W.F., 2004, Keys to Teaching the Nature of Science: The Science Teacher, v. 71, p. 24-27.
McKinney, D., and Michalovic, M., 2004, Teaching the Stories of Scientists and their Discoveries: The Science Teacher, November, v. 71, p. 46-51.
Meers, M., Demer, N.E., Savarese, M., 2004, Presenting the Scientific Process: Journal of College Science Teaching, v. 33, p. 34-39.
Moreno, N.P., 2007, Teaching the Nature of Science: Five Crucial Themes: NSTA Reports, January, p. 9-10.
Narguizian, P., 2004, Science through Evolution: The Science Teacher, v. 71, p. 41-45.
NSTA Position Statement: The Nature of Science.
Park, R.L., 2007, Seven Warning Signs of Bogus Science
Pollack, H.N., Uncertain Science... Uncertain World: Cambridge University Press.
Resnik, D., 2007, Philosophical Foundations of Scientific Ethics
Rudge, D.W., Howe, E.M., 2004, Incorporating History into the Science Classroom: The Science Teacher, v.71, p. 52-57.
Sadler, T.D., and Zeidler, D.L., 2003, Teaching "Bad Science": The Science Teacher, v. 70, p. 36-40.
Sagan, C. (1996) The Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, Ballantine Books.
Selby, C.C., 2006, What makes it Science? A Modern Look at Scientific Inquiry: Journal of College Science Teaching, v. 35, p. 8-11.
Shuell, T., 1997, The Nature of Scientific Investigation
Turro, N., 2007, Toward a general theory of pathological science
Wilson, T.J., Continental Drift, "can't find the date": Scientific American, p. 86-100.