Teaching Activities

The examples in this collection were contributed by participants at the 2007 Teacher Preparation Workshop at Carleton College in Northfield, MN. The activities are used by the contributors in their earth science courses for pre-service teachers to help these future teachers understand the science they will be asked to teach to their students.

Current Search Limits:
Geoscience > Geology

Results 1 - 5 of 5 matches

Relative Dating of Geologic Materials part of Activities
This lessons allows students to constuct the basic principals used to understand relative geologic time and the skills used to construct the geologic time scale.

Density, Buoyancy and Convection part of Activities
This 3-hour hands-on guided-discovery lab activity teaches students the concepts of density, buoyancy, thermal expansion and convection.

The History of the Earth: Classroom Activity part of Activities
Students use events in an older adult's life to develop a timeline, which is then related to a scaled model of major events in the earth's history and the development of the geologic timescale.

Pictorial Geologic History Book part of Activities
In this project the student creates a 10-part written & pictorial geologic history book of a region.

Be the Block: Working the Geologic Block Diagram as an Inquiry Tool part of Activities
Working with data, students develop 3-D understandings of Earth structures using inference to construct a block diagram from a collection of 2-D information.