Laboratory Techniques in Earth Science
Course URL:
Course Type:
Course Size:
This course is designed to provide students with opportunities and experiences that will enable them to teach inquiry-based earth science. The focus is on the unifying concepts and processes of science as applied to planet Earth. The specific Earth Science content from the New York State Physical Setting: Earth Core Curriculum, supplemented by National Science Education Standards (NRC 1996) will provide the backdrop for the exploration and development of inquiry-based laboratory experiences. Students will participate in laboratory experiences that model inquiry-based instruction; they will design and present laboratory investigations, activities and demonstrations that will model science as inquiry. Content and instruction in this course are consistent with the NSES, NSTA Standards and New York's MST Learning Standards.
For Dr. Ebert's reflections on the course and its design, see Laboratory Techniques in Earth Science: Role in the Program.
Course Context:
Course Goals:
- Make educated decisions regarding the quality and utility of instructional resources.
- Design and implement inquiry-based laboratory instruction.
- Conduct original research in the creation or improvement of physical models, laboratory investigations and demonstrations.
- Transform "cook book" or confirmatory laboratory activities into standards-based, inquiry-driven lessons that address content through experience rather than lecture.
- Critically read primary literature in geoscience education and use this literature to inform decisions regarding choice, preparation and modification of instructional resources.
- Actively participate as early-career professionals in a variety of venues such as conferences, professional development workshops and email lists.
- Reflect thoughtfully on their own learning, teaching experiences and pedagogical decisions.
Course Content:
Teaching Materials:
Syllabus (Acrobat (PDF) 67kB Apr16 07)
Research Project On Models (Acrobat (PDF) 46kB Apr16 07)
Project Besser (Acrobat (PDF) 28kB Apr16 07)
Genie In A Bottle Inquiry (Acrobat (PDF) 22kB Apr16 07)
For an example activity from this course, see Class Research Project: Visualizing Large-Scale Earth Processes and Abstract Concepts.
References and Notes:
Gilbert, Steven W.; Ireton, Shirley Watt. Understanding Models in Earth and Space Science. NSTA Press, Allington VA 2003.
Finkel, D., 2000, Teaching With Your Mouth Shut: Heinemann Publishing
New York State Physical Setting: Earth Core Curriculum & Reference Tables
New York State Learning Standards for Mathematics, Science, and Technology
National Research Council, 1996, National Science Education Standards
NSTA, 1997, NSTA Pathways to the Science Standards, High School Edition: NSTA, Arlington, VA, 146p.
NSTA, 1998, NSTA Pathways to the Science Standards, Middle School Edition: NSTA, Arlington, VA, 146p.
[link list.html 'Email Lists for science teachers'], especially ESPRIT and 5-8Science
DLESE —Digital Library of Earth System Education
NAGT—National Association of Geoscience Teachers, including the Journal of Geoscience Education.
NESTA —National Earth Science Teachers Association, including the Earth Scientist journal.
GSA —Geological Society of America, especially Education and Teacher Resources.
STANYS—Science Teachers Association of New York State Especially the annual conference, every November in Ellenville and the Share-a-thon.
NSTA—National Science Teachers Association
NSTA Journal: The Science Teacher
NSTA Books: especially the "Stop Faking It" series
NASA —National Aeronautics and Space Adiminstration
USGS —United States Geological Survey
Earth2Class (more info) —Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Mark Francek's Resources for Earth Science and Geography Instruction (more info)