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Simple Mendelian Genetics: An interactive lecture using "DNA from the Beginning" part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
An interactive lecture that uses flash animations showing the researcher and their experiments that were used to develop the basic concepts in Mendelian genetics. Includes multiple choice questions students can answer in class.

Translation simulation part of Library:Conceptual Models:Examples
This module introduces students to the basics behind translation of a messenger RNA sequence into protein. In addition to text and movies, there are interactive shockwave animations that allow students to move ribosomes and tRNAs to perform translation.

Genetic Drift part of Library:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
In this biology simulation, students use a mathematical simulation of genetic drift to answer questions about the factors that influence this evolutionary process. Students run a series of simulations varying allele frequency and population size and then analyze their data and propose a model to explain their results.

Monohybrid Fruit Fly Crosses: A Simulation part of Library:Teaching with Data:Examples
This assignment uses a computer simulation of fruit fly genetics to have students design and interpret monohybrid crosses of a trait with simple dominant and recessive alleles. Detailed instructions with animated examples, background material, a sample report and a rubric are included.

Wheel of... Geology! part of Library:Games:Examples
This quiz game is intended to help students review for an upcoming exam. Topics of questions are randomly determined by spinning a wheel. Teams answer questions using electronic CPS handhelds.

Campus Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory part of Library:Campus Living Laboratory:Examples
Students conduct a greenhouse gas emission inventory for their college or university. Students analyze findings and present information to the college or university community.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.
CLEAN Selected This activity has been selected for inclusion in the CLEAN collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Daisyworld: Interactive On-line PC and Mac part of Library:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
Students use a JAVA interface design by R.M. MacKay to explore the Daisy World model. The JAVA interface comes with a link to a 6-page student activity page in PDF format.

Campus Nitrogen Budget part of Library:Campus Living Laboratory:Examples
Link the college or university operations with local ecology. In this study, students use a tool from urban ecology, the nitrogen budget, to research the inputs, outputs and subsytem transfers of nitrogen on the college or university campus.

Searching Genbank part of Library:Teaching with Data:Examples
An active problem-based assignment that uses the Genbank database to teach the basics of molecular biology and molecular evolution

The Modern Atmospheric CO2 Record part of Library:Teaching with Data:Examples
Students compare carbon dioxide (CO2) data from Mauna Loa Observatory, Barrow (Alaska), and the South Pole over the past 40 years to help them better understand what controls atmospheric CO2.

Gold Star Panel Review This activity received a gold star rating from a Panel Peer Review.
See the activity page for details.
CLEAN Selected This activity has been selected for inclusion in the CLEAN collection.
Learn more about this review process.

RNA processing and northern blot technique problem part of Library:Coached Problem Solving:Examples
Students are given a figure from a journal article of a northern blot, and are asked to interpret the results, demonstrating an understanding of both the northern blot technique and RNA processing in eukaryotic cells.

Teaching Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics part of Library:Process of Science:Examples
This activity uses DNA sequences, protein sequence, and chromosome-density maps to re-trace the ancestry of humans and some of their closest relatives.

Environmental Reconnaissance of a Salt Marsh part of Library:Teaching with Google Earth:Examples
This is a field and computer laboratory exercise that introduces undergraduate students, advanced high school students, and members of the general public to using Google Earth, GPS, aerial imagery, and an online ...

Something is Askew at Mammoth Cave National Park part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum/Geology of National Parks module. Students use the geometric mean and multiplicative standard deviation to examine the right-skewed distribution of nutrient concentrations in water-quality data at Mammoth Cave National Park.

What are the Winds Blowing into Mammoth Cave? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum/Geology of National Parks module. Students estimate the net volume of pollutants flowing into the Houchin's Narrows entrance of Mammoth Cave using actual air-flow and air-quality data from the park.

Investigative Case - "Holy Starbucks Batman!" part of Library:Investigative Case Based Learning:Examples
Students will investigate caffeine as a potential new pollutant in a northwest river system. Effects of caffeine on invertebrates and salmon fry will be explored through field work and lab work.

The Wingra Marsh: A Purple Population Problem part of Library:Investigative Case Based Learning:Examples
Students author a presentation to the Grounds Management Committee of their school giving their recommendation for the control of the invasive species purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) on campus.

Biosphere Socratic Questions part of Library:Socratic Questioning:Examples
Sample Socratic questions and answers regarding the biosphere.

Predator-Prey Interactions -- Modeling the Number of Fishers and Porcupines in New Hampshire part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum activity/Introductory Ecology course. Students build and manipulate spreadsheets to model and graph populations using the Lotka-Volterra predator-prey equations.

Evolution, Natural Selection and Speciation part of Library:Conceptual Models:Examples
In this out of class tutorial, students explore several examples of natural selection and speciation.