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In-class Problems

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Phylogenetics problems part of Library:Coached Problem Solving:Examples
Students receive information about cladistics and apply this phylogenetic approach to two problems, collecting data, determining whether traits are ancestral or derived, and using this information to select the most parsimonious tree.

Recycle -- or not? A case from New York City part of Library:Teaching with the Case Method:Examples
A case for the analysis of externalities (social costs and benefits) in the context of recycling. Drawn from a program in New York City.

RNA processing and northern blot technique problem part of Library:Coached Problem Solving:Examples
Students are given a figure from a journal article of a northern blot, and are asked to interpret the results, demonstrating an understanding of both the northern blot technique and RNA processing in eukaryotic cells.

Gene expression during development: Experimental design problem part of Library:Coached Problem Solving:Examples
This problem challenges students to design experiments using techniques measuring gene expression (reverse transcriptase PCR, microarrays, in situ hybridization).

Malnutrition, DNA replication, development, and schizophrenia homework problem part of Library:Coached Problem Solving:Examples
At the beginning of a DNA, DNA replication, and mitosis unit, students are given a short science news article summarizing a recent research paper. This assignment links the article to figures and key techniques from a related journal article, requiring students to apply and transfer the knowledge they gained in the unit.

Gleevec and the cell cycle problem part of Library:Coached Problem Solving:Examples
Students are given a problem about a relatively new treatment for cancer, Gleevec, and asked to apply and synthesize what they have learned about cell signaling and the eukaryotic cell cycle to explain why this targeted treatment works to prevent cell division with fewer side effects than traditional chemotherapeutic agents.