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Teaching with Models
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US Historical Climate: Excel Statistical part of Library:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
Students import US Historical Climate Network mean temperature data into Excel from a station of their choice and use Excel for statistical calculations, graphing, and linear trend estimates.
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Vostok Ice Core: Excel (Mac or PC) part of Library:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
Students use Excel to graph and analyze Vostok ice core data (160,000 years of Ice core data from Vostok Station). Data includes ice age, ice depth, carbon dioxide, methane, dust, and deuterium isotope relative abundance.
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Mass Balance Model part of Library:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
Students are introduced to the concept of mass balance, flow rates, and equilibrium using an online interactive water bucket model.
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Translation simulation part of Library:Conceptual Models:Examples
This module introduces students to the basics behind translation of a messenger RNA sequence into protein. In addition to text and movies, there are interactive shockwave animations that allow students to move ribosomes and tRNAs to perform translation.
Genetic Drift part of Library:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
In this biology simulation, students use a mathematical simulation of genetic drift to answer questions about the factors that influence this evolutionary process. Students run a series of simulations varying allele frequency and population size and then analyze their data and propose a model to explain their results.
Daisyworld: Interactive On-line PC and Mac part of Library:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
Students use a JAVA interface design by R.M. MacKay to explore the Daisy World model. The JAVA interface comes with a link to a 6-page student activity page in PDF format.
Sea Floor Spreading I part of Library:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
In this introductory Excel tutorial (Activity I) students use Excel to explore the geodynamics model equation for ocean depth around a sea-floor spreading center. For students with no prior Excel experience.
Energy Balance Climate Model: Stella Mac and PC part of Library:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
Students explore a Global Energy Balance Climate Model Using Stella II. Response of surface temperature to variations in solar input, atmospheric and surface albedo, atmospheric water vapor and carbon dioxide, volcanic eruptions, and mixed layer ocean depth. Climate feedbacks such as water vapor or ice-albedo can be turned on or off.
World Population Activity I: Excel part of Library:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
(Activity 1 of 2) This activity is primarily intended as an introductory tutorial on using Excel. Students use Excel to explore population dynamics using the Logistic equation for (S-shaped) population growth.
Sea Floor Spreading I part of Library:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
In this introductory Excel tutorial (Activity I) students use Excel to explore the geodynamics model equation for ocean depth around a sea-floor spreading center. For students with no prior Excel experience.
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Planck Radiation Laws: Excel; Mac or PC part of Library:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
Students use an existing Excel workbook to investigate how spectral irradiance from a blackbody radiator depends on temperature, Excel Mac or PC
Evolution, Natural Selection and Speciation part of Library:Conceptual Models:Examples
In this out of class tutorial, students explore several examples of natural selection and speciation.
Human Demographics part of Library:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
In this biology simulation students explore factors that change human population growth including age at which women begin to bear children, fertility rate and death rate.
Waves Through Earth: Interactive Online Mac and PC part of Library:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
Students vary the seismic P and S wave velocity through each of four concentric regions of Earth and match "data" for travel times vs. angular distance around Earth's surface from the source to detector.
Sea Floor Spreading II part of Library:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
Students import ocean bathymetry data from text files, they then use Excel to graph these observations along with model prediction to assess the model's ability to simulated the observed topographic features of the North Atlantic.
World Population Activity II: Excel part of Library:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
(Activity 2 of 2)In this intermediate Excel tutorial students import UNEP World population data/projections, graph this data, and then compare it to the mathematical model of logistic growth.
Comparing Two Airlines part of Library:Inventing and Testing Models:Examples
In this model‐eliciting activity (MEA), students are hired by a travel magazine to determine if two airlines that fly into Chicago are equally reliable. They examine data of flight arrival delay times for both ...
Trace Gases: Stella II Mac and PC part of Library:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
This Stella model allows students to learn about chemical mass balance in the atmosphere and apply this to atmospheric chlorofluorocarbon and carbon dioxide concentrations.
Measuring Study Effectiveness part of Library:Inventing and Testing Models:Examples
This model-eliciting activity challenges students to operationally define a construct (study effectiveness). Students are given a survey to review that rates different aspects of study behaviors. They are then ...
Creating a Spam Filter part of Library:Inventing and Testing Models:Examples
This activity asks students to work in a team to develop a set of rules that can be used to program a SPAM filter for a client. The rules are based on characteristics of the subject lines of emails. Students are ...