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Correlation part of Library:Spatial Reasoning with GeoClick Questions:Examples
× Formative assessment questions using a classroom response system ("clickers") can be used to reveal students' spatial understanding. Students are shown this diagram and told, "Fossils ...
GeoClick: reading the Michel Levy Color chart part of Library:Spatial Reasoning with GeoClick Questions:Examples
Understanding Doppler radar radial velocity fields part of Library:Spatial Reasoning with GeoClick Questions:Examples
This activity is designed to help students learn how to interpret Doppler radial velocity radar images with meteorological applications, as well as giving students a chance to practice their spatial skills.
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GeoClick: Sedimentary Environments part of Library:Spatial Reasoning with GeoClick Questions:Examples
Students apply their understanding of sedimentary rocks and sediment characteristics to identify where rocks may be forming using a simplified cross-section of a landscape from mountain to sea.
A Quantitative Visualization of Mantle Melting part of Library:Spatial Reasoning with GeoClick Questions:Examples
Here is an exercise to acquaint students with pressure-temperature diagrams related to Earth's interior, teach why the mantle melts in the context of pressure and temperature, demonstrate the role water has on melting, and review the three ways to melt the mantle.
Drawing Contour Lines part of Library:Spatial Reasoning with GeoClick Questions:Examples
Magnetic Reversals at Divergent Plate Boundaries part of Library:Spatial Reasoning with GeoClick Questions:Examples
× Formative assessment questions using a classroom response system ("clickers") can be used to reveal students' spatial understanding. Students are shown this diagram and given the prompt: ...
Predicting Regional Air Pressure Condition part of Library:Spatial Reasoning with GeoClick Questions:Examples
Geologic Puzzles: Morrison Formation part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
Images of faulted strata, tilted turbidites, and beach rocks bring the field into the classroom, giving students practice in doing what geoscientists do. These images are examples of geologic puzzles.
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Flood Curves Lecture Tutorial part of Library:Lecture Tutorials:Examples
This Lecture Tutorial worksheet guides students through thinking about the effects humans have on infiltration, and how that effects the duration and severity of floods. It is designed to be used in groups after a brief lecture introducing surface and ground water flow into a stream.
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Alpine Glaciers part of Library:Spatial Reasoning with GeoClick Questions:Examples
× Formative assessment questions using a classroom response system ("clickers") can be used to reveal students' spatial understanding. Students are shown this diagram and told to "If more ...
Where is that feature on a map? part of Library:Spatial Reasoning with GeoClick Questions:Examples
To help ensure students understand where the features mentioned in class are located, students are shown a map or aerial image of a location that will be discussed and asked to click on the location. The results are displayed with points or as a heat map at the front of the class and then discussed.
Carbon Dioxide Exercise part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
Students work in groups, plotting carbon dioxide concentrations over time on overheads and estimating the rate of change over five years.
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How Fast Do Materials Weather? part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
A think-pair-share activity in which students calculate weathering rates from tombstone weathering data.
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Describe and Interpret Images: Folded Strata part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
In class, have students make a simple sketch of an outcrop shown in a slide (or computer projection) then discuss possible interpretations.
Rivers: Short In-class Activity part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
Images of the James River in Virginia, including one at flood stage, and of potholes, all of which can be used to have the students make observations, estimates, and interpretations.
Hydrosphere part of Library:Socratic Questioning:Examples
Detailed, annotated example of Socratic questioning for topics of hydrologic cycle, streamflow hydrographs, and impacts of land-use change on streamflow.
Rock Types on Other Planets Lecture Tutorial part of Library:Lecture Tutorials:Examples
The design of this short Lecture Tutorial worksheet allows students to make predictions of what rock types they would expect to find on other planets. After a brief lecture, students work in groups to answer the questions to help them understand the conditions of formation for the three rock types.
Earth's Surface Features Lecture Tutorial part of Library:Lecture Tutorials:Examples
This Lecture Tutorial worksheet is designed for students to work on in groups after the students have learned about basic surface features and how they relate to planets in general. The tutorial is designed to help students look at these simple features and realize that they are not independent features, but instead are related to the planet as a whole.
Ocean Crust Ages Lecture Tutorial part of Library:Lecture Tutorials:Examples
Students work on this Lecture Tutorial worksheet on ocean crust ages in groups during lecture. It directly confronts misconceptions students have about the patterns of ages of the ocean crust, and interpretations that can be made.