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Student Research

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Natural Disaster Risk at Home part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Students analyze the natural disaster threat and potential mitigation techniques of their (family) home.

Petrology in the Field and Laboratory part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
In this multi-week project, students collect samples in the field, analyze them using various tools and instruments, then present their results and interpretations.

Watershed Analysis part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Students conduct a regional watershed analysis of an area of their choosing. Using on-line data and their personal knowledge of the area, they determine the annual hydrologic budget and teach the class about "their" watershed.

Impact Craters and Water on Mars part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Students explore for water on Mars using impact crater morphology. During this lab, students: learn to use the equation writing and graphing capabilities in Microsoft Excel, thendevelop and apply an impact crater depth-diameter relationship in an effort to constrain the depth to a possible water-rich layer beneath one or more portions of the surface of Mars!

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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Analyzing beach sands with a SEM/EDS part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Students pose a question that can be answered using the SEM and sand they have previously collected from beach profiles.

Mars Cratering Teaching Notes part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Teachers guide to the approach The following 5-point section of text describes the process most students will follow. Load each image into the image program of your choice and adjust the brightness and contrast so ...