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Replicating Results of Famous Empirical Papers part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Natural Disaster Risk at Home part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Students analyze the natural disaster threat and potential mitigation techniques of their (family) home.
Research Paper in Introductory Econometrics part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Petrology in the Field and Laboratory part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
In this multi-week project, students collect samples in the field, analyze them using various tools and instruments, then present their results and interpretations.
Watershed Analysis part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Students conduct a regional watershed analysis of an area of their choosing. Using on-line data and their personal knowledge of the area, they determine the annual hydrologic budget and teach the class about "their" watershed.
Impact Craters and Water on Mars part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Students explore for water on Mars using impact crater morphology. During this lab, students: learn to use the equation writing and graphing capabilities in Microsoft Excel, thendevelop and apply an impact crater depth-diameter relationship in an effort to constrain the depth to a possible water-rich layer beneath one or more portions of the surface of Mars!
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Analyzing beach sands with a SEM/EDS part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Students pose a question that can be answered using the SEM and sand they have previously collected from beach profiles.
A Survey Paper: Topics in Economic Growth and Development part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
This paper is designed to help students develop deeper understanding of a topic within economic growth and/or economic development and potentially lead to the development of a thesis proposal. This paper does not ...
Undergraduate Research part of Library:Undergraduate Research
Module established by Linda Reinen, Pomona College. Written and developed by Elizabeth Perry-Sizemore, Randolph College Assistance provided by George Alter, Mary Borg, Steve DeLoach, Steve Greenlaw, KimMarie ...
Research on Economics of Population part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Research paper on the economics of population using international census data.
Using economic theory to predict outcomes: Applying stylized facts from the literature to the Solow Model part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Students often do not understand how to derive a theoretical model and how to manipulate it to get predictions. The emphasis of this pedagocial example is to show students how they can manipulate the Solow model to predict outcomes. Student develop a set of "stylized facts" from a literature search. They then used those stylized facts to manipulate the model to answer a complex real-world question whose answer is ambigous.
A Research Paper in Experimental Economics part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Typically in teams of 2, students design, implement, and analyze an original experiment inspired by existing experiments in the literature. Students write a paper explaining the economics, the design, the ...
Summer Undergraduate Research Experience I part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Three-Semester Honors Thesis part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
A three-semester Honors Thesis in economics allows students to integrate their entire undergradaute economics experience into a challenging, meaningful, creative research project.
Who Gets Help: A Field Experiment? part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Students carry out a field experiment in order to test the hypothesis that able bodied individuals receive less help than those perceived to have an injury. Students collect and analyze data and write an APA style research report.
Taking-Risks While Driving: Are there Sex Differences part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Students carry out a naturalistic observation study in order to test the hypothesis that there are sex differences in risk-taking. Students collect and analyze data and prepare APA style research report.
Economics Senior Thesis part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Using Student Data from Your Own College or University to Identify the Best Predictors of Student Success in College part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
In this individual research project, a senior thesis student conducts a regression analysis that explores whether high school GPA or standardized test scores are better predictors of the cumulative GPAs of college graduates at her own university. The data are easily obtainable from the Office of Institutional Research. The project can be modified to be a group research project in a Research Methods Class or a Special Topics Upper Level Economics class.
The Effect of Race and Ethnicity on High School Graduation Rates in Florida part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
In this individual research project, a senior thesis student conducts a regression analysis that investigates the effects of race, ethnicity, and poverty on high school graduation rates in Florida. The data are easily obtainable from the Florida Department of Education. The project can be modified to be a group research project in a Research Methods Class or a Special Topics Upper Level Economics class.
Family Economy of 19th-Century Industrial Workers part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
This activity teaches students how to formulate research questions and perform empirical analysis. Students analyse family budgets from late 19th-century industrial workers.