Example JiTT Exercises
Results 1 - 10 of 47 matches
Calculating Safe Medication Dose Ranges: Learning Practice Activities part of Examples
This learning activity is designed to give nursing students confidence and skill with calculating safe dose medication ranges used in the clinical setting. It is designed to supplement textbook and classroom information.
Making Rational Decisions in Economics - The Role of Sunk and Marginal Costs part of Examples
This JiTT exercise uses a real-life example to pose a question to students about the nature of "rationality" as typically used in economics. In this case, the focus is on fixed vs. marginal costs and the ...
Graph Predictions for Position, Velocity and Acceleration part of Examples
Graphical Just-in-Time-Teaching questions for use before classes in which students explore position, velocity and acceleration graphs.
Principles of Economics: understanding opportunity cost, comparative advantage, and absolute advantage part of Examples
In principles of economics students many times have trouble understanding the concept of opportunity cost, connecting opportunity cost to comparative advantage, and differentiating between absolute advantage and comparative advantage. This activity allows the instructor to detect whether a large number of students exhibit any of these misconceptions, and then focus on the most problematic concepts in class.
Critical Care Intravenous Drug Calculation: Drill and Practice part of Examples
This learning activity provides drill and practice for health care providers who administer critical care IV medications in fluids using a controller or pump. It includes an interactive worksheet with formulas to check math answers.
Cartes Postales de TV5 Monde part of Examples
In this exercise, students will take a virtual tour of a city where French is spoken and write a postcard based on the places that they "visit". Postcards will be sent to classmates and the instructor. They will be judged for cultural interest and linguistic accuracy.
Linear Systems and Matrices part of Examples
After covering the standard course material on linear systems and matrices, Linear Algebra students are given a computer-based activity that helps them to develop a better understanding of matrix algebra and ...
JiTT-Scientific Method part of Examples
A "Just in Time Teaching" question about he scientific method with follow-up class room activities and an exam question.
Economic Statistics: Hypothesis Testing part of Examples
This activity helps a student recognize the consequences of Type I and Type II errors in hypothesis testing.
Liquid and Weight Conversion used for Medication Administration: Learning Practice Activities part of Examples
This learning activity provides a review of abbreviations, weights, and liquid conversions used for medication administration. It is designed to supplement textbook and classroom information.