Joining us in Boulder for the Earth Educators' Rendezvous?

published Jul 10, 2015 8:49am
We are just days away from the inaugural Earth Educators' Rendezvous, July 13-17 in Boulder, CO. Over 300 Earth educators from all over the country will be gathering for multiple day workshops, mini-workshops, oral and poster sessions and plenaries to support faculty in improving their courses, departments or programs; in increasing the overall impact of Earth education; and in building a collective capacity to use and conduct education research. Find up-to-date information on the Rendezvous on the conference website. We look forward to seeing everyone in Boulder!

Participants can access all the information on Arriving at the Rendezvous including ground transportation and registration check in, During the Rendezvous including campus locations and evening events, and After the Rendezvous including information on local attractions and highlights by visiting the Participant Information page.
  • The program website has been updated with workshop programs and session chairs for the contributed program. We have grouped oral and poster sessions into sets with a common theme and an associated discussion time for each pairing. We hope that you will take some time to look at the program and plan how to maximize the Rendezvous offerings for you. While you are expected to attend the full morning workshop for which you registered, you have lots of opportunities to customize the afternoon. Follow a particular theme or mix and match to create your own conference experience—we want to have your time at the Rendezvous be as rewarding and productive as possible!While you can freely move between contributed oral sessions, if you plan to attend an afternoon mini-workshop please stay in the workshop for its full duration.

  • Beat the rush and check in early on Sunday afternoon between 2 and 5 p.m. outside at the Sewall Hall courtyard entrance. Registration check in will continue outside the Aspen Room in the University Memorial Center at 7 a.m. Monday morning.

  • Bring your laptop: the Rendezvous is "going green" and will not be printing an official program. There will be ample maps and signage at the registration desk but please have the Rendezvous website bookmarked for accessing program information on your laptop. Forgot what workshops you registered for? No problem, your name tag will include these details.
  • Presenting at the Rendezvous?

Review the Presenter Guidelines web page regarding format and how to upload your presentation. Presentations should be uploaded no later than 8:00 a.m. the morning of your presentation. Oral presentations will be displayed from a Macintosh computer.

  • Connect Via Social Media

If you know of something that you think other participants should know about, just send a tweet to @nagtgeo and include the hashtag #eerendezvous15. We'll be gathering all those tweets together on a page so that we can all benefit in near-real time.

The Rendezvous will also be sharing images and posts of interesting things happening via the NAGT Facebook page. Go "Like" us so you'll get these updates as well!

We look forward to seeing everyone in Boulder!