Community Contribution Tool Project: Keeping data-rich teaching resources up-to-date
published Jan 6, 2025 1:49pm

Significant investments have been made in developing the wide array of free online activities available through SERC and NAGT (National Association of Geoscience Teachers). These represent a vast shared resource relied on by thousands of instructors and supporting the learning of tens if not hundreds of thousands of students per year.
However, after a project's funding ends, it can be challenging to maintain the currency of the activities it produced – particularly for data-rich activities. The NSF-IUSE funded*Community Contribution Tool Project now makes it possible for instructors to contribute updates or adaptations to particular activities. The project has also generated community recommendations for building more robust data-rich activities from the outset.
Updating existing resources
The Community Contribution Tool (CCT) provides a mechanism for community members who've used SERC-hosted teaching activities with their students to share back their experiences, modifications, and updates. All activities on the SERC site now offer users the CCT input portal.
The CCT was refined and tested during a workshop at the 2024 Earth Educators Rendezvous. Twenty-one participants learned to use it and worked on updating teaching modules from the InTeGrate (Interdisciplinary Teaching about Earth for a Sustainable Future) and GETSI (GEophysics Tools for Societal Issues) collections.
Building more robust data-rich resources from the start
Another outcome from the 2024 workshop was a set of community recommendations: Guidance for Developing Robust Data-rich Activities. If future projects or individuals follow these recommendations, time-sensitive data-rich activities will be easier to update going forward.
Learn more
The webinar, Updated data-rich activities to use in your classroom now!, overviews the activities that have been recently updated and how the community can contribute to keeping our shared resources up-to-date.
Monday, February 3, 2025 - 11 AM Pacific | 12 PM Mountain | 1 PM Central | 2 PM Eastern
*Awards: NSF-2315542, NSF-2315543. Collaborating institutions California State University Chico, Carleton College's Science Education Resource Center, and EarthScope Consortium.