Cathy Manduca Receives Friend of the Planet Award from the National Center for Science Education

published Aug 3, 2023 12:39pm

Cathy Manduca, founding director of SERC, was named a 2023 winner of the National Center for Science Education's (NCSE) Friend of the Planet award. The award recognizes outstanding efforts in advancing climate science education.

Among many other impactful projects at SERC, Cathy led the InTeGrate project, a $10 million NSF-funded STEP center in the geosciences, that during its funding involved more than 4,600 individuals in engaging in interdisciplinary undergraduate education focused on sustainability and Earth-centered societal issues.  NCSE's executive director Ann Reid underlines Cathy's contributions:

 "Cathy Manduca's efforts through SERC and NAGT to support geoscience education in general and climate change education in particular have been heroic."